Thursday, January 18, 2024

Adelaide Bound

 I'll forget something. 

A strip of tablets containing the antibiotics the doctor prescribed are in my toiletries bag. 

There's only the need for carry on. I'm only going for the day. 

My bag of computer peripherals is in the case. A mouse, small keyboard, various cables, a USB hub. Take this to the office with meAnd it makes life a lot easier. 

My computer with a charging cable, because you can’t forget your charging cable.

My computer with a charging cable, because you can’t forget your charging cable.

A dress and a pair of underwear. Wear the same bra and shoes to keep the wake down. I’ll wear the same bra and shoes to keep the carry on weight down. It’s only for a day anyway. Oh, and a pair of PJs. I’m staying in my friend’s pool house. It’s only respectable to have a pair of pyjamas with you.

There’s my toiletries bag, complete with sample sizes of all sorts of things.

And a book. You always need to take a book when you go anywhere. I’m quite proud of myself as I have finished five books already this year.. I’ll take Trent Dalton’s  Lola on the Mirror. See what the fuss is about.

It’s not like packing for Darwin. In my bag, you’ll find breakfast, cereal, coffee, bags, teabags, and sometimes a small bottle of gin. 

And they, you have to work out where you’re gonna put things. The book goes into a canvas bag along with my wallet and phone.I need glasses. Normal spectacles and my prescription sunglasses. Adelaide gets very glare you know. 

All I know, is that I will have forgotten something.

I’ll work out what it is when I’m in Adelaide.

I’ll work out what it is when I’m in Adelaide.

Three hours later. Deodorant. I forgot my deodorant. Kaz has sorted me out….

Today's song: 

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