Sunday, January 14, 2024

Sunday Stealing: January Questions

 We've just had a most awesome book group session at Blarney's place, complete with books and a barbeque and cheesecake and some champagne. It was most wonderful, but I don't need to eat until tomorrow lunchtime. 

Anyway, now to get the Sunday questions done, provided, as always, by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. Your favorite part of the day

Strangely, I really like the early morning, just when I've woken up. I love that the day hasn't been buggered up then. I like the quiet and the cool and the morning rituals - how I get up, do the ablutions and feed the cat. After that, anything could happen. 

2. Something you know a lot about.

Okay, I seem to know a little about a lot, but my specialist topics, those I can go on about ad nauseum include:

  • Daft facts about Adelaide
  • Shakespeare
  • The Australian Energy Market
  • Modern literature
  • Where things are in England (and Geography in general)
  • 80's Music
  • The music of The Pixies and Talking Heads

3. An important person in your life.

I have a few important people in my life, outside of my family. I'm going to nominate the women in my book group as being some of the more important people in my life. They are all wonderful. 

4. Your favorite recipe

Currently, I've taken to taking a baked cheesecake to events where there will be more than 10 people. It's a fairly foolproof recipe found here

The recipe for my grandma's YoYo/Melting Moments biscuits is another one of my favourites, but I'm not sharing that with you. 

5. An event that turned out differently than planned

I went to England for two years in 1991, I stayed until 1999. I didn't plan that

6. How you procrastinate

I read, play games on my phone or watch telly. I'm good at all of these things. 

7. The best type of surprise

Ones that don't have a negative impact. I'm not fond of surprises. 

8. Music that helps you relax

I listen to some strange things to help me relax. I love Yann Tiersen and Alt-J. At work if I need some chill radio, I often turn on ABC Classic FM or Coles Radio for their 80's content. 

9. A thing your life has in excess

Body fat

10. A book you want to read.

Oh, my TBR (to be read) pile is hue. Here are some of the titles:

  • Lola in the Middle by Trent Dalton
  • The Lincoln Highway by Amor Towles
  • Ulysses by James Joyce (I've had this on my nightstand for years)
  • To Paradise by Hanya Yanigahara
  • The Bee Sting by Paul Murray

11. A person you’re always happy to see.

Somebody I haven't run into for ages is the Soap Guy. He's a lovely fellow and I really miss seeing him about on a regular basis. He now has a corporate job instead of running a soap stall at the local shopping centre. 

I miss him. 

12. What time do you go to sleep?

Normally just after midnight. Asleep around 12.30-1.00 am. I've become a night owl. 

13. A word to describe the past year.

Transformative. If not that, challenging. If not that, then surprising. 

14. Your favorite household chore

Ironing. Yes. I know. It's a genetic thing. Love doing the laundry, but I love ironing it up the most. 

15. One thing you’d like to see

There are too many things I would like to see. These include, off the top of my head: 

  • Uluru (it used to be known as Ayers Rock, now returned to its traditional name)
  • Japan, in particular, Tokyo
  • More of France
  • More of Spain
  • Portugal
  • More of New York City
  • World Peace
  • An Adelaide Crows successful grand final


  1. Such a fun post. I didn't know that the name of Ayers Rock has been changed. Japan would be a good trip. If I ever get to go, though, I want to meet the country folks that are still artisans. They are real craftsman. That would be interesting.
    Have a blessed Sunday.

  2. I saw Talking Heads during the Stop Making Sense tour in the early '80s. I saw the movie for the first time in 2023 in a cinema, and the show was as good as I remembered it. The '80s or maybe the early '90s was the last time I connected with new music.

  3. my mother loved to iron so much she wouldn't let me do any of the ironing. She ironed EVERYTHING including towels and washcloths. I had to teach myself how to iron...and I hate it. Haven't ironed anything in years.

    My kids were huge Talking Heads fans and my son met David Byrne before one of his concerts in San Francisco.
