Tuesday, January 9, 2024

The Cat Food Run

 Other people pop out for a litre of milk at nine 'o' clock at night. 

I pop out for cat food. 

I'd run out for tomorrow, and as I'm working from the office, I needed to have it tonight. 

In particular, what is known as wet cat food. The dry cat food, or pussy flowers as they are known in my family, are bought every three months at the pet store. Two bags. One bag of the normal indoor mature cat kibble. The other for hairball maintenance. I buy this as it acts as cat Metamucil. going the half/half mix stops him getting dingleberries, also known as dags, also known as one of the funniest things you will see with this cat as he races about the flat panicking with a crappy bum, but you end up with a lump of shit around the flat and you don't really need that. It's still very funny. Nevertheless, he gets some of the hairball food to stop this happening. 

And yes, I should have gone for the wet cat food at lunchtime. I went for a walk at lunch, mainly to see what the river was doing. After all the rain, I was expecting a bit of minor flooding. I wasn't disappointed. The water is over the tow path in places. It will be right be the weekend. But I didn't get the cat food. I got a coffee instead, then walked back for a 1.30 meeting. 

I mean, all I needed to get was a 12 pack of Whiskas sachets. Either beef or chicken, as he's not fond of the fish ones. And yes, he eats Whiskas. I have a base model cat, he likes base model food. I'm not going to raise him on raw prawns, or barbeque chicken or something lush and expensive from the vet or the pet shop. He's a Whiskas boy. He loves it. He starts asking for it at around 3 pm, knowing full well that I won't feed him until 6p.m.

Approaching dark, I went down the supermarket. 

The wet cat food is kept at the back of the store. 

What gets me about doing a quick shop this late is the following: 

Firstly, how many people sing along to Coles Radio. Do they put on this music to make us look like fools as we bop around the aisles. 

Secondly, have they put all of their cashiers on to stack shelves after 8 pm, or have I just not noticed the number of people manning the tall trolleys before. 

And lastly, and most importantly, why is all of this Easter stuff out in the stores. Easter Eggs, hot cross buns, rabbit ears. Like Easter is 12 weeks away. Why, why, why, why, why? I don't get it. Why do you need Easter Eggs and Easter Buns three months out from the actual date? It seems stupid. Or is this like drugs and abortion - just because they are there doesn't mean that you have to partake in them?

I got my box of Whiskas, knowing that I've saved myself some angst tomorrow, but more perplexed that when I got there. 

Today's song: 

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