Sunday, February 11, 2024

How to catch a cat and other observations

 2.00 p.m.

The game of chess has begun.

In the spare room, the cat carrier sits on my reading chair, open and waiting for it's cargo. The door to the room is shut, much to the annoyance of His Lordship who has been sitting by the door, baying to go in. You see, my reading chair has become his throne. He loves it. 

A load of washing is nearly finished in the machine. Being a hot day, I will be able to get it out on the line and dried in the time I take the cat around to Aunty Debbie's place.

The car is loaded with his accouterments. I've been sneaking them down slowly over the last day. His bed. The spare litter box. Some toys. Food for a week. It's all there waiting. 

And somehow, I managed to get him into the box, after going in for a cuddle, picking him up and taking him into the spare room and into the carrier without a scratch to me, or him going absolutely berserk. 

4.00 p.m.

Now, his lordship is sitting in Aunty Deb's cupboard. He doesn't have to sit in Aunty Deb's cupboard, but that's where he gravitates to, coming out when nobody is around. Deb has threatened to buy him a spider plant. What a lovely Aunty. I did tell her that although spider plants are not toxic to cats, they are slightly hallucinogenic. I did warn her that he may much it down to the nub, as he did with the one I sent to Jay's place when he stayed there. Junkie pussy...

5.00 p.m.

Driving to the airport. It's a hot day. Thankfully the air conditioning in the car is good.

7.00 p.m.

Sitting on the plane. Qantas advises the plane does not have WIFI and the entertainment system was down. Fun. Quickly downloaded a couple of movies before the plane took off. Also had my book - The Seven Skins of Esther Wilding - which I'm rather indifferent about. The  bloke next to me worked all of the trip. Nice and quiet. Mostly smooth flight. You can't ask more for that. 

11.00 p.m.

And now I'm ensconced in my hotel room. The room is up near the top. Over the last year I've managed to get up to Gold Status for the hotel chain's rewards program. Not only are you given rooms with a view, you are also greeted with little party favours, things like muesli bars, and water, and little slice bars, along with a welcome card. It's rather nice. 

I should get used to this. I'm going to get used to this. I'll be coming up here once a month until at least September...

But for now, I'm going to watch the rain and listen to the thunder. We flew over storms on the way up. I like watching nature. 

There are some good things about coming up here.

Today's song:

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