Monday, February 5, 2024

Movie Review: Argylle

Movie Number 6 of 2024

The Movie: Argylle

The Cinema: Hoyts Victoria Gardens

Stars: 4

Needing some respite from the heat, I took myself off to see a film - a favourite thing to do when the weather gets over 30 degrees. Today's viewing fare was Argylle, starring Henry Cavill, Bryce Dallas Howard and Sam Rockwell, among others including Alfie the cat. Please note, no cats were harmed in the making of this film. 

What drew me to the film, other than the inclusion of Henry Cavill, is the director, Matthew Vaughn, who's responsible for the Kingsman franchise. I love these films, so there was a good chance I'd enjoy this. 

So, what is this about? Elly Conway (Bryce Dallas Howard) is a reclusive, best-selling author who's spy series, Argylle is mirroring life just a little too closely. In the background, we see the fictional Argylle's (Henry Cavill, oh be still my dear dead ovaries) and the mischief he gets up to.  On a train ride to see her parents, she encounters Aiden Wilde (Sam Rockwell) and the fun begins. Wilde explains how her books are being freakishly accurate in predicting world events. With the arrival of some weaponised goons, she, and the cat, are dragged along for the ride. 

We meet some wonderful characters. The boss of The Directive (Bryan Cranston), Elly's mum (Catherine O'Hara), another hired good (Dua Lipa) among others, and slowly, but surely you work out that there is a bit more to Elly's history and you work out that there is more to this Argylle guy than meets the eye. And yes, it's Henry Cavill. Swoon. 

And there is a big twist about halfway through the film, when you work out just what is going on. I will say no more than this. 

As with many of Michael Vaughn's films, there's great action scenes. The action is full on, but not too gory or messed up - just the level of violence that I can do with ease. This is also very funny in places. Perfect for the day when you want to escape the heat in a nice air-conditioned cinema. 

If anything, it's Jason Fuch's script which lets this down a bit. it's pretty convoluted and maybe just a little long, but the action, the laughs, and Henry Cavill make up for it. I mean, it's got Henry Cavill in it. You can forgive him for just about anything - except maybe the dodgy haircuts he sports in this film - they are pretty terrible. 

Argylle is great fun. Everybody on screen looks like they are having a hoot. Even if you don't see it in the cinema, check it out on the streaming services, even if it is to just perve on Henry Cavill. 

Today's song:

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