Saturday, February 3, 2024

Sunday Stealing on a Saturday

 Greetings from a swanky hotel in Sydney. I managed to pick up a bargain on the room, complete with a big bathtub and even bigger bed - my Christmas treat to myself before seeing Ludovico Einaudi this afternoon. A healthy breakfast of fresh fruit salad and a proper coffee. Life is good. 

Questions, as always, brought to us by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. What three words best describe you?

Eclectic, kind, bonkers. 

2. What makes you unique?

I don't think I'm that unique. I know that being a little arty and eccentric makes me a bit different. That I have a mix if highbrow tastes mixed in with a love of some very low brow things (for example, I religiously watch Married at First Sight and I can sing along to most Cold Chisel songs, the latter being an Australian thing. Oh, and I like Australian Rules Football).  A lot of people don't get that it is very okay to love arthouse movies as much as you like romantic comedies. 

3. Who is someone important in your life?

I have a funny feeling it will be my new financial adviser. 

4. What is something that always makes you laugh?

Cat videos. Cats are such little cretins at times. So proud yet so dopey. 

5. Who is someone who can always cheer you up?

I have a group of women, with whom I've gone on retreat. Loud, proud and unabashedly themselves. I love spending time with them, and I always come away feeling refreshed, ready for anything and glad to be alive. They're known as the Gunnas and I am very proud to be among their ranks. 

6. When was a time you were really proud of yourself?

Other than when I completed my Masters degree - that was a big thing. Actually getting off my bum and seeking financial advice - that's huge for me too. I'm starting on the journey, but I'm optimistic. 

7. What is something that is difficult for you?

Losing weight. Once you hit menopause it's so hard. At least I'm eating well and keeping fit, even if the kilos aren't shifting. 

8. What three places would you love to travel to?

I love to travel and want to do a lot more if it. And I really want to go and live in Paris for a while. A temporary move, but I'd love to get my French better. 

But three places I'd love to go to are:

  • Japan - it looks amazing. 
  • Cambodia, in particular, Angkor Wat - in spite of the heat. 
  • And I want to go back and do more of Spain - I love that country. 

9. What is a fun memory you have with your best friend?

I have a number of best friends, not just one. So I have lots of good memories with all of them, whether it be hanging out with Geetangeli at some foodie place (Can't wait for Easter when she will be in Melbourne), swimming with Jonella in the bay, Christmas with Blarney and Barney in Tasmania. I'm very blessed. 

10. If you could have dessert for breakfast, what would you eat?

Creme Brulee. There is a French cafe near where I live - and they let you do that. It's very popular. 

11. If you published a book or wrote a movie, what would it be about?

I have three novels in various states of disrepair. 

The first is a modern dystopian novel about what happens when the Conservatives get even more bonkers. 

The second is a lighter comedic book about the Lady Freemasons of Gilgamesh Lodge. My own lodge is providing a lot of fodder. 

The third is a kid's book about the daughter of an accountant and a rock star who has to go and stay with her grandmother. Her grandma is a big hippy. 

12. Which is easier, math or English?

English. Just. I used to be pretty good at maths. I'm also normally the person who sorts the bill out when there's a big group. 

13.What three things make you the happiest?

Lucifer - my cat. 

Holidays in Europe. A big thing. A wonderful think. 

The turn of a beautiful sentence in a well crafted book. 

14. What is an event in your life that has shaped who you are today?

Staying in England in my 20s. I'm not sure where I would be if I'd come back like I was supposed to after two years. 

15. Which is more important, being kind or being honest?

Both of these things are really important to me, but being kind is paramount to everything. Honesty is a very close second. 

Today's song: 


  1. "The turn of a beautiful sentence in a well crafted book. " What a great comment. I get happy when I read a beautiful sentence too.

  2. I had tried to get a Masters in Public Administration in 1980 but dropped out for lots of reasons. Then, I got my Masters In Library Science in 1992, which was a better fit.

  3. I love the weekly song--Elvis is one of my faves!
