Wednesday, February 21, 2024

The next ten days

 I offered to bring the book to Jonella after work. It would mean doubling back, as I worked in the office today, but that's okay. Get home, feed the cat, go back into town, drop off the book, then go home. But we decided otherwise. I got a night at home watching MAFS, she had a casual dinner with a friend. All good. 

And as much as I was willing to drop off the book group book, I'm rather grateful because I'm looking at the next ten days and I'm wondering how I got myself into this mess. 

It looks like this. 

Tomorrow: Easy. Meet a mate for breakfast at a local cafe. Then work from home, then see Twelve for a training session after work - hopefully the heat has gone by then. The gym gets super-hot in weather over 30 degrees - and it's going to be a warm night. 

Friday: After work I've got a mason's meeting, where I'm going up a degree. It appears I'll be receiving a new pinnie and sword. Fun. 

Saturday: I'm planning on going to the gym, then there's sound meditation in Brunswick, followed by a play at the MTC. 

Sunday: Go to the gym, then more masons (Normal lodge) then out to dinner with friends in Blackburn - I believe they do a roast on Sunday night. Never say no to a roast. 

Monday: After working from home, there will be a session with Cleo in the lounge room. It's good that we're still seeing Cleo. We get to hear about what is going on in Barcelona. 

Tuesday: After working from home, we're off to see The Dictionary of Lost Words at the Playhouse. I enjoyed the book, so I'm interested to see how they stage this. As this has a really limited run, it was the only time I could fit in to see it. 

Wednesday:  Work from the office. Lunch with the team and some new team members. Go home. Kay is coming over after to get the keys and instructions for cat sitting the following week. 

Thursday: Work from home, then out in the evening to see Rent at the State Theatre. The tickets were booked months ago. 

Friday: Work about three quarters of the day. After lunch, drive down the Great Ocean Road and go on retreat for the weekend. Flop down on a couch and read a book and attempt to write for the weekend with a group of like-minded women. 

Saturday: Participate in the retreat. Maybe go down the beach. Attempt to write. Drink some gin. Dance. Talk. have fun. 

Sunday: Go skinny dipping early morning. Participate in the retreat until just after lunch. Drive to the airport. Fly to Darwin in the evening. And try to read the book group book while I'm in Darwin. 

Fun, eh?

Oh, and somewhere in all of this I need to clean, wash, iron and pack. Oh, and sleep. And watch MAFS. 

At least after this, I'll be able to get some down time...

Today's song: 

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