Thursday, February 29, 2024

Theatre Review: Rent

 The Production: Rent

The Theatre: The State Theatre at the Arts Centre

Stars: 4

Until 7 March. 

I don't really like musicals unless they are unexpected, edgy or fun. Think Rocky Horror, The Book of Mormon and Chicago. Some of the smaller musicals, like the Heartbreak Choir or Fun Home were magnificent. 

I will go to a musical once to see what it's like, then walk out stating, "Okay, seen that. Don't need to go again."

This has happened for the following musicals:

  • Miss Saigon
  • Cats
  • The Phantom of the Opera
  • Hamilton
  • Les Miserables (The best bit is when Javert jumps off the bridge)
  • Mary Poppins
You can add Rent to this list. 

Am I glad I saw it? Yes. Will I see it again? No. 

And that's okay. 

I mean, set in the nineties in the East Village of New York, this group of street people, junkies, creatives and odd bods have been evicted from their squat, and they sing about it. 

I can say that the singing was impeccable, and the acting, on musical standards, was great. The sets were inventive and fun. I loved the costumes. But it's a musical, and yeah, they don't really float my boat. It probably doesn't help that because of traffic, we got there ten minutes late. 

As there is limited info about the production on the Arts Centre website, I can't give details of the cast or creatives. From what I could see, that's why they were pimping the merch. I can say that I loved Maureen - she was fab. Mimi's septum piercing kept glimmering and I found it off-putting. Angel was fantastic. 

Jay said it was a very emotional musical. I didn't feel it, but I don't like musicals that much. 

The purists in the crowd gave this a standing ovation.

But I'm not a Rent purist. I clapped along anyway. They deserved the applause. 

So, yeah, I saw Rent tonight. I did enjoy the production. But I've seen it - I don't need to see it again. 

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