Thursday, March 21, 2024

Happy Gotcha Day

 Four years. 

We've been with each other for four years today. 

You're a bit of a prick. 

You're a lot of a dork. 

You always throw up ON the mats and not on the tile or floorboards. 

When it's cold, you sleep between my knees. 

And you like having your head kissed. 

And you're rather antisocial. 

And sometimes you give me this face.

And sometimes you jump up on me and give me a cuddle.

And I know I am the worst cat mother taking you to the vet on your gotcha day, but it had to be done, and you were a good boy - nobody lost an eye. 

But just know, I love you to the moon and back, and I am very lucky that the cat distribution system let me have you as my cat. 

Lots of love,


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