Sunday, March 3, 2024

Sunday Stealing: Crafty

Another writer's block, another blog post to get out of the way, particularly as I'm heading up to Darwin tomorrow night - having this done means I don't have to worry about it with everything else going on in the morning. 

I will say that I'm having the time of my life down here on the Great Ocean Road. This was the view I woke up to. I took this at ten to seven. 

Questions, as always, brought to you by Bev at Sunday Stealing. 

1. What (if anything) are you doing to celebrate St Patrick's Day?

I will be doing nothing out of the ordinary. St Patrick's Day isn't a thing for me. I might have a bit of a giggle at Blarney the day after - being Irish, she often has a big day on 17 March. It happens most years when we ply her with water and paracetamol. 

2. What is your least favorite color (to wear, to craft with or to decorate with)?

Pink. I really don't like pink. I'll do apricot at a push, but not pink. It's almost a cellular dislike of the colour. Never have liked. I mean, it's only a colour...

3. At a yellow light - do you speed up or slow down??

A bit of both. Depends on how close the intersection I find myself. I'm a bit more inclined to slow down and stop after receiving a red camera fine a few weeks ago - which I am contesting. How can it be a school zone if the school is bloody closed?

4. How many pairs of scissors are in your craft room?

I don't have a craft room, but I know I own about four pairs of scissors. One for the kitchen, one for paper cutting, one general pair and one other for my craft bag for snipping wool and thread. All of the scissors are left-handed or multi use. I can't use scissors with my right hand. 

5. What are the first three items you have 'saved for later' on Amazon?

As Amazon is an evil conglomeration looking to overtake the world, I use them as little as possible. I've got a few books lined up on my Audible account for future purchase. That is about it. Amazon, I find, is good for small technology purchases and very hard to find books. Still, they are my last resort when it comes to buying things. 

6. Did you plant any springs bulbs in your garden and if so, have any of them come up yet?

I don't have a garden. I don't like gardening. So no, I haven't planted any bulbs. We're also going into Autumn (Fall) here , which is when you're not supposed to plant bulbs. 

7. What book, if any, are you reading right now?

Ah, I'm about to embark on reading Rebecca F. Kuang's Yellowface again. It's our book group book. I didn't love it the first time around, but it is our book group book. 

I was really enjoying Madeleine Gray's Green Dot - far more my cup of tea before having to start Yellowface for book group. 

On audiobook, I'm listening to Anna O by Matthew Blake - a thriller. I'm really enjoying it. Dan Stevens has a great voice. 

8. Do you prefer ball point pens, gel pens, or thin tip markers to write with?

 I love writing with very fine point black ballpoint pens. I get them at Officeworks and use them until no more ink remains. It has to be the finest of ballpoints, even though they make my handwriting look spidery. 

9. What is your favorite crafting item - the craft item thing you use the most or can't live without? (Exclude basic items like scissors and glue).

I can't live without my knitting needles, crochet hooks and a large darning needle. I both knit and crochet and love doing both. 

10. What are the first 3 items on your grocery list and what is your favorite grocery store?

My grocery list always starts out with Almond Milk, chicken and salad. Sometimes, if I'm running really low, it will read cat food, fish and bread. But most weeks it is the former list. 

11. What unfinished craft projects are you working on (or not:) at the moment?

Not so much a craft project, but I'm ploughing through a novel I wrote about five years ago at the moment. Gotta say, it's a bit better than I remembered. I don't want to vomit. That's something. 

12. What was the last item you pinned on Pinterest? Or hearted on Instagram

I am rarely on Pinterest - it's not my vibe. As for Instagram, I hearted some of the photos from the current retreat by one of my fellow retreat dwellers. That and cat pictures, because cat pictures rule. 

13. What is the biggest tourist attraction where you live?

 Melbourne has a lot to offer itself when it comes to attractions. Some of the things we like to promote are:

  • The excellent coffee
  • The art-filled laneways
  • The excellent shopping
  • The National Gallery of Victoria, which seriously punches above its weight.
  • The sporting venues and subsequent sporting activities - think Australian Rules Football
  • The niche inner city suburbs, which are all different
  • The proximity to the wine regions of the Mornington Peninsula, Bellarine Peninsula and the Yarra Valley
  • To name a few things
Melbourne is a cosmopolitan city. Sydney is faster paced and has the beauty of the harbour. Adelaide is a smaller, more compact version of Melbourne (with an even better food and wine culture), And Tasmania is definitely worth a look if you are ever over here. 

14. What color is your favorite sweater?

I have this gorgeous bright green jumper, and it is excellent. 

15. How does your family react when you get a big pile of mail?

I live alone. Nobody is going to comment on what mail I get. Besides, most of my mail comes to me electronically.

Today's song:


  1. I'm left handed, but I don't have anything (like scissors) designed for left handers. I just use the regular scissors...but I can't cut with my right hand either.

  2. You are, of course, correct about Amazon. Having an Amazon list satisfies other people's need to know what they can gift me, even if they get the items elsewhere. Admittedly, I did send my sister 1,000 miles away cleaning supplies last week.
