Monday, March 25, 2024

The Alternative

There is nothing worse than having a favourite product, on that you've used for many years, suddenly become unavailable.

Case in point, for me, is my deodorant. 

For years, I've bought my deodorant online from America. I buy it in job lots and I like it. You ask why and I will say that for all the natural deodorants out there, this is the best I've found. I've not used supermarket deodorants for well over ten years - I don't like that they're full of aluminium. The leave white marks on your clothes. They can sting. They have a chemically smell not for me. And yes, there are natural deodorants at the supermarket, but I've tried them all and they either don't work, sting my skin or I don't like the smell. (Okay, I do have a stick of Body Crystal Botanica roll on - I use that for the gym). 

Anyway, my favourite deodorant, which I buy in from America, is no longer shipping to Australia. 

I'm livid. 

I feel like my hairdresser has moved to Germany once again. And my leg waxer retired. And my dentist has moved to Queensland all at once. 

On the good side of things there are a few things I could do. 

I could ask Reindert if he could Fed X me some over. He lives in Boulder, Colorado - home to many natural deodorants - and the Celestial Seasonings Tea Factory as I found out on the weekend. 

I would suck it up and buy it on Amazon, but there is no way I'm paying $35 for a stick of armpit slather. 

There are Australian owned companies that do natural deodorants. 

The's the well-known Black Chicken Axilla Deodorant Paste. I've tried this and my armpits come out splotchy and red (it might be the bicarb soda in the mix.) Also, it's not as easy as a roll on being in a paste. Same goes for NoPong deodorants, which another friend has recommended. 

The spray on one from Sukin and the one from Akin, from memory, made me itch as well. Maybe I'm a bit sensitive. 

There's one by a company called MooGoo that might be worth trying - it's also cost effective. 

I've looked at a lot of websites - Aveda, Clarins and a lot of other premium brands do natural deodorant, but they're all more than $30 for a tube. No thanks. 

Anyway, I'm going to give this company called WooHooBody a go. They're Australian, natural, have a stick form of their armpit de-smeller, are reasonably priced and have great reviews. 

And who knows, the old company might just start shipping stuff to Australia again - it's that or I go visit Reindert in Colorado. I've always wanted to see where Mork and Mindy lived.

Today's song:

1 comment:

  1. I hear you! Tried the Moogoo, save yourself the money. Love many of their products but the deodorant doesn’t work. Best balance for me is Le Petit Lab, Australian made. Inconvenient in that it is a paste, but it works and the lemongrass smell is more than doable. x Kat
