Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Attempt Number One

On Sunday, I went to my monthly Freemason's meeting. As usual, a part of me resented having some of my Sunday taken away, but like most things which require a bit of work and a sacrifice, I felt a lot better after attending. 

As always, I'm not going to tell you about what goes on in the meeting. 

But I will say that I spent a lot of the meeting in a peaceful meditative state, most of which involved staring at the candle and the column in front of me. 

And looking at an empty chair in front of me. It's known as the visitor's chair, having a conversation an old mason friend who passed away a few years ago. I could hear her voice. If I shut my eyes, I could see her. 

And I'm not going to do this subject any justice tonight, so I will make another attempt at this on another day. This was a spiritual awakening. I have photos. They're not playing ball either. Not a good technology day. 

I want to tell people about this experience.

Just not tonight. 

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