Thursday, April 18, 2024

Les Liberllules

The dragonflies have returned. To some it means that the dry season is nearly here to me. They are just dragonflies or in French, Les libellules. Such a gorgeous word for such a beautiful insect. The word takes me back to France. Sommieres. Another place where the dragonflies dance.

Tonight, I had dinner with a colleague in the park looking over the sea. We got Subway for dinner. Cheap and reasonably healthy. Nothing fried, nothing drowned in mayonnaise or tomato sauce. Nothing with chips.

We missed the actual sunset, but we did get to see the wonderful colours, listening to some very loud people in the bushes, saying hello to the dogs which get their evening walk, the late flight that we are about to catch.

And the dragonflies danced as the light receded with a bang. After the light show last night, with two hours of 

We went into Johnn Johnns on the way home - the ice cream parlour, which has to be visited at least once on any trip up here. The snickers ice cream was delightful (I had a biscoff crunch one on Monday night). 

And we walked home, slowly, as it was too warm to go any faster. 

This place really does grow on you.

Today's song:

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