Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Never have I ever

 Never have I ever cooked a roast dinner.


Yes, I roast vegetables all the time. I shove some chicken in a dish and put it in the oven, but that is not a roast dinner.

I’m talking about a proper roast dinner, with the gravy and the peas, and the horseradish /apple sauce / mint sauce / stuffing (but I don’t like stuffing, so that doesn’t matter. It’s the best if you serve to four or five people and they make a big deal of it. You sit down around a bit table, and you get to enjoy what Blarney calls a "Mammie Dinner". For me, the best is roast lamb. Roast lamb that's cooked just right - just a little pink in the middle, with crispy roast potatoes and roast pumpkin, and roast onion and roast parsnip, with some pea, that have probably come from the freezer, and mint sauce. 

I've never been a Yorkshire pudding person, no growing up with them, but with my grandfather a butcher, the weekly roast was a must. 

I remember my uncle telling me that all of his four daughters, they all learned to cook a roast, and they all tasted different. 

But I have never cooked a full roast dinner. I don't have the infrastructure at home to this. My table only seats four and it is very small. I barely have four chairs. Besides, my table is set up as my desk. Sure, I've got the crockery and cutlery, but it's very hard to eat a roast off of your lap. 

Then you have to think about dessert. As roasts are cold weather food, you want a good pudding to go with it. My favourite is lemon delicious pud, with some vanilla ice cream. 

I'm just glad I have friends who have me over for a roast dinner on a semi-regular basis. 

I'm a lucky girl. 

Today's song: 

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