Sunday, April 21, 2024

Sunday Stealing:

 A Sunday afternoon and I am not travelling anywhere. Yay. The perfect day to get the weekly questions done - and do the ironing, of which there is a massive pile. 

Questions, as always, have been provided by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1.    What was the best toy you ever owned?

I was a Lego kid. Loved lego. Used to play with it for days. And there was none of this you get a pack which makes one thing. We had a box of lego and your imagination. I still like helping my friend's kids with their inventions. 

2.    When in your life have you felt the loneliest?

I think that would be called my childhood. Things got better when I went to university, thank goodness. 

3.    What is your strongest emotion?

I'm fairly mild mannered, but when I get angry, watch out. Thankfully it doesn't happen too often. 

4.    When were you the most disappointed in yourself?

I disappoint myself most days when I don't work on my novel. I should put and end to this and get motivated. 

5.    Which law would you most like to change?

There are many laws that need changing, and most of them are the annoying ones which are just inconvenient. I'd love stronger protections for the environment around here. Oh, and while we're at it, national reproduction laws which give women the rights to abortion in America - that should change. Men should not be able to make laws that limit women's bodies. 

6.    Who is the person you have hated the most in your lifetime?

Tony Abbott - ex Prime Minister of Australia - but Scott Morrison, and most of the Liberal National Party cabinet over the last twenty years come a close second. 

7.    What has disappointed you the most?

Malcolm Turnbull as Prime Minister of Australia. He could have been so good, alas, although he was better than Tony Abbott and Scott Morrison, he did nothing for the country. 

8.    What's the best possible attitude toward death?

It's going to happen to us all. If it's going to happen, may it happen as quickly and painlessly as possible. 

9.    What's been the longest day in your life?

Last Friday was pretty long. Any day which involves a red-eye flight back from Darwin is a long, long day. 

10.  What is the biggest coincidence in your life?

I find coincidences all over the place, but I have more coincidences on holiday. I've been sitting on Greek Islands when old workmates have bumped into me. Or turning up at the supermarket and seeing people I've not run into for years. They're the coincidences I like to have. 

11.  What's the oldest you'd like to live?

I'm happy to live as long as I'm healthy, productive and solvent.

12.    Who is the most amazing woman you know personally?

I can't name one. I know many, many amazing women. I'm lucky like that. 

13.    What was your best experience in school?

Does getting out alive count? I think learning to speak French was a good thing. I didn't love school, but I loved learning. 

14.    What's the most meaningful compliment you've ever received?

I remember once that somebody said I was like a steam train. I took this badly at first, but he then said that it was because I was powerful, rare and strangely beautiful.

15.    What is the most you've spent on something really stupid?

I try to be fairly sane with my money. I did spend $50 on a framed poem, which I strangely still love. The frame is plastic. 

Today's song: 


  1. Legos are cool ut post-my growing up. I was a Lincoln logs guy.
    And I HATE being angry, a lot.

  2. I was born long before Lego so I never got into them, but my daughter makes huge things out of Lego. Recently finished a typewriter; before that did a huge merry-go-round.

    In 'longest day' I have to remember my flight from San Francisco to Perth, which took, I believe, over 30 hours, with a long stop in Singapore.

  3. Hi Pand,

    I totally agree about the abortion laws in the US.

    I like the "steam train" compliment - and it is a compliment.




  4. Makes me sad every time I hear about yr school life Panda, I would've been a buddy

  5. I struggle with anger, too! I totally agree - a man should not be able to decide anything about a woman's body!! Your steam train compliment is so cool!!
