Monday, May 27, 2024

Out on a School Night

 Tomorrow night I'm off to see Angie McMahon at The Forum. On a school night. 

She's being supported by somebody called Rubie Gill, who listening to her music on Youtube this afternoon, is just up my alley. 

This is all happening on a school night. 

I'm 55-year-old and I'm going to a gig at The Forum, and I'm thinking about what will I put on my feet, and how am I going to get home (easy - Uber/cab or tram, depending on the timing) and what am I going to feel like after standing for two hours in a crowded hall (She's sold out over three nights at the Forum) and will I have more than one drink and... and... and...

Why is it such a big deal to be going out on a school night? I used to be second nature. 

It's going to be a long day. I'm letting in a tradie at the temple at 8 a.m. Then there's a full day's work, then I'll leave around 6, meet El, have a drink before we get to the Forum for around eight, as I'd really like to see Rubie Gill - I've been looking her up on YouTube, and she's great too. 

But as much as I'm looking forward to this jaunt tomorrow night, and as much as my work colleagues rib me for being out a lot during the week, there is also something in me which thinks that being at home, talking to the cat having a cup of tea. 

Wish me luck. It will be fine. 

Today's song:

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