Saturday, May 11, 2024

Turnip for the boots

 Today has not gone as planned.

 My original flight was cancelled. No big drama as they put me on the next plane a half an hour later.

This morning before I went to the airport, the smoke detector near my kitchen was going berserk. There was no smoke. Not even an errant toaster.

I got to the airport, only to find that my flight has been delayed. Not by much, but enough.On the good side of things, on a full flight, there was an empty seat next to me. 

Arriving in Sydney I had to wait a full half an hour for my bags to come off the plane. Nothing works in the rain in Sydney. 

I walked down to the train station to find that I had just missed a train and had to wait another 15 minutes. And the trains were only going as far as Central.

At Central Station, I found that there were no trains going through to Wynyard and that I had to take the light rail to get to the hotel. I was hoping to be there by midday. I rocked up at 1:30.

It was here I discovered my trusty white runners were leaking badly. Didn’t even step in a puddle. They are dead.

Had a perfectly lovely lunch with a friend, after which I had a bit of a relax before going to the theatre. 

I’ve been looking forward to this performance for a while. I mean, Hugo Weaving on stage. It had to be done, not that the play has great reviews. 

After walking to the theatre down in The Rocks, I got myself settled in the auditorium. I got 20 minutes of the play – then somebody decided to have a heart attack in the third row of the stalls. I was sitting up in the dress circle so I got a bird eye view of this.

After half an hour of watching people mess about, and probably six or seven doctors offer their expertise (Joy of going to a large theatre company play, there has to be a few doctors there on any given night) one of the stage managers came on stage and said that they were going to an interval. I saw 20 minutes of the play, and didn’t see Hugo Weaving. He was busy coughing backstage as a part of the performance.

By the time they loaded the poor man into an ambulance, they called us back in, it was 8:45 and I wasn’t feeling it. I will try to exchange my ticket for a performance of something later in the year. I hopped in a cab because it was tipping down came back to my hotel and got room service.

Despite nothing going to plan, I’ve had a lovely day.

Today’s song:

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