Monday, May 13, 2024


I am too tired to write. Get into your hotel at 1:45 a.m. will do that for you.

So instead of writing this blog, I’m going to go to bed.

I will say that yuzu is the best thing ever.


It’s a Japanese citrus fruit Which tastes something like a mix between a lemon and and a mandarin. It is utterly delicious. Everything you do with a lemon you can do with a yuzu. I’ve had some wonderful yuzu cheesecake. There are more and more yuzu drinks coming out in the market. Today, at Woolworths, I found my favourite brand of sugar-free soda, in a Yuzu flavour. I’m stoked.

But today, I met Jay in town for lunch. She’s up here for the football and is going home this evening. We went to my favourite cafe, The Rabbit Hole, one of their signature menu items is yuzu lemonade. It is extraordinary. 

So, lots of yuzu made my day today. 

And now it’s time for bed. I can't stay awake much longer. 

Today’s song.

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