Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sunday Questions on a Sunday

So much for getting this out early. I made some time, and it all went away. I did, however go to the gym and donate a pint of blood before going out to see Blarney and Barney before they take off to Japan. I even got the book group book for next month out to her. I have done what I set out to do.

Questions, as always, come from Bev at Sunday Stealing

 1.  What is most important to you.

Love, friends, family, kindness, The Arts, peace. 

2.  Your best trait.

My kindness. I'm known for it and don't know how to be anything else. I do, however, have pretty firm boundaries, meaning I'm not a walkover. 

3.  A movie that makes you happy.

I'm thinking of a movie that I've watched again and again and just love, and it comes down to two films. Both are English films. I adore both of them. 

The first is Pride, about the Miner's Strike in Britain in the eighties and how the LGBTQIA+ community got behind them.

The second is About Time. It's just gold. 

But there are many films that could be on this list.... When Harry Met Sally... You've Got Mail... Four Weddings and a Funeral.... Death at a Funeral (the English version)... The Hunt for the Wilderpeople... Camilla, Queen of the Desert...

4.  Something that excites you.

The knowledge that I'm heading down the Great Ocean Road on a writer's retreat next weekend. I can't wait. 

5.  Something that worries you.

Everything worries me. I'm an overthinker. 

6.  Actions you admire.

People who go out of their way to stick up for people, in any way, shape or form. I like it. 

7.  What year has been your best so far.

1991 was pretty good - I moved to England and started the process of finding myself. 2018 was good because I turned 50 and had a good year that year. 

8.  Who do you trust?

Ah, nobody? I have a couple of friends I do trust, but there are still a few things I hold back on. But I do trust Jonella and Blarney with most things. 

9.  A Song from Your Childhood.

As a child of the seventies, there are so many good songs to choose from. I was a Skyhooks fan from a very young age. Nobody out of Australia has heard of Skyhooks, and Australian Rock pub band. Love them. They were out there. My mother hated them. Vale Shirley Strachan...

10.  What you wore today.

I went to the blood bank today, so after getting out of my gym gear, I put on a pair of black jeans, a stripy white t-shirt (so the phlebotomist could get to my vein) and a black zip up hoodie, with white runners on my feet. Urban wear for a Sunday where you have to get your arm out for a bit.  

11.  A book you are currently reading

I always have two books on the go. One on audiobook, the other on paper/kindle. I'm listening to Kristin Hannah's The Nightingale, which I thought I'd dislike, and despite the not great narrator, I am really enjoying it. The paper/kindle book is The Measure by Nikki Erlick, which needs to be finished by Tuesday night for Book Group. I'm over halfway through it, so I will get it read on time. 

12.  What do you want less of?

Work that seems to have a doubling charm on it. Everything I touch appears to double at the moment. Fun. 

13.  A question that needs to be asked.

Why did the elephant paint their toenails red? They didn't do it to hide in the strawberry patch - surely. (It's getting late - I can't take anything seriously.)

14.  The best idea you’ve had this week.

Oh, that might be at work, not that I talk about work in any detail on this blog. But I think I've got the testing team to put in a step at the end of their User Acceptance test cases where they will verify my technical documentation. 

Sounds very dry? It is. 

It also sounds better than concocting a ritual for the solstice/full moon for the Writer's Retreat, but you don't want to hear about that either. 

15.  How are you creative?

I would say somewhat. Others would say that I'm very creative. Currently I'm taking a black and white photo daily. I'm enjoying this. See my Instagram page to see what I'm getting up to. 

Today's song: 


  1. That solstice/full moon time is going to be strong for magic. I am giving it much thought, too. Congrats on the writing retreat. I've always wanted to do one of those.

  2. I really liked The Nightingale.

  3. Overthinking - that's me!
    I'm giving blood at the end of the month. It'll be 170-something times.
    1991 was the year I got married for the second time; didn't work out. 2018 was the year before I retired, thank goodness.
