Thursday, July 4, 2024

Black and White

I gave into the fact that I'm a creative decades ago. There's something in my makeup which means I have to be doing something that produces something, whether that be writing, or knitting, or making a cake, or taking photos. It doesn't matter what it is, as long as I'm producing something. This blog is a testament to this. I know it's a silly blog, but it's me producing something on a daily basis. 

One of my little creative endeavours is producing black and white photographs. I normally do this every day for one month during the year with varying degrees of success. 

I am not a photographer.

I shoot on my iPhone (iPhone 15 Pro), then use an Instagram filter (Always Inkwell, never Moon), often fiddling with the brightness, contrast and structure. 

And I put them up. 

Albert Street, evening, Melbourne

There's no rhyme or reason to the photos. I just like taking them. 

Kate, Beach, just outside of Apollo Bay

When finding subjects for the black and whites, I look for texture. I don't spend a lot of time constructing the photos. Sometimes something catches my eye, I'll point and snap and Bob's your uncle. 

Date night, Southbank, Melbourne

It really amazes me how much joy producing these shots provides. I know that technically they're not great photos. I'm not trained in any way. I just do these to please me. Selfish, eh?

Miffy Snow Globes, Hema, Paris

It's fun to work in another medium. 

Randoms, Southwark tube station, London

I'll keep doing it. It takes no time, and it brings me joy. 

Random, Collins Street, Wet Day, Melbourne.

Today's Song: 

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