Thursday, July 18, 2024


For Darwin, this is a first. 

I'm cold. 

I don't get cold normally. I rather like feeling a bit cold. But not up here. 

It's the windchill factor. It got to about 28 degrees today, but there was a stiff breeze, making it feel cooler. It's supposed to get down to 13 degrees tonight. Positively Antarctic for up here - and I'm getting why they're saying it's horrible cold up here. 

As usual, I went for a dip after work. I stayed in about fifteen minutes, but with the pool being in the shade for most of the day, and the wind chill factor, and the fact that Territorians don't heat their swimming pools, it was bloody cold. On getting out, I listened to my colleagues count the clothes horses on the balconies that overlook the area. Oh, the fun we have. 

But I'm cold. 

Tonight, I chose to hibernate - have some leftover salad from last night's family dinner and get reading my book group book. I also found The Talented Mr Ripley and Heathers playing on SBS World Movies, so there way my night sorted. 

But I've put an extra blanket on the bed. 

And turned the ceiling fans right down.

And turned up the air conditioning a couple of degrees (normally it's as low as I can get it)

And put on the hoodie that I brought up to wear when I get off the plane in Melbourne next week. 

And still, I'm feeling a bit chilly. 

I get what my local colleagues are telling me about it being "cold". 

The stupid thing is back home in Melbourne, in the middle of winter, I wander around in thongs and Birkenstocks and a t-shirt and I feel nothing. I don't feel the cold in Melbourne. 

This is a very strange feeling. 

Today's song:

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