Monday, July 1, 2024

Given up the Ghost

 My vacuum cleaner has officially died. It's been going through its death throws for months, but today, after asking the poor old thing to suck, it did nothing. The nozzle and hose were not blocked. The bag wasn't full. It's just died. 

I obtained it from a share house nearly 20 years ago. I have a feeling the old Werthheim was about that age when I was gifted it. I will miss it. 

Owning a cat, I need a hoover, as I call them, having lived a long time in Britain. And the floors were awful and really needed a clean. And rather than wait, I got online. 

Where do you go. In days of old, I would have gone to Godfreys, but they are all but in receivership at the moment. 

I wish it had broken down in the week before as all of the End of Financial Year sales were on. 

In the end, despairing at the state of the floors, I turned to the evil Amazon and found a new one. Affordable. Good reviews. Bagless. Cordless. Light. With free delivery in under 24 hours. 

I don't know myself. The floors are clean. If I'm honest, the new one isn't quite as strong a sucker as the old one, but it will do. 

My colleague asked me if I was going to get a Dyson. Ah no, for two reasons. First of all, everybody I know who has a Dyson has to get it fixed regularly. Secondly, I've got my name on my mother's Dyson - but that is probably a few years before it comes my way. 

Anyway, that's my big news for the day. New hoover. 

I feel a bit special. 

Today's song: 

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