Thursday, July 11, 2024

I want exercise

To relieve a bit of the cabin fever, I took myself out for a half our drive around Richmond. I didn't get out of the car, didn't interact with anyone - just went for a drive, listened to my audiobook and enjoyed being out of the confines of the flat. 

I think tomorrow, if the RAT test is either showing negative or barely there, I'm out of here property. Maybe a movie. Maybe just a wander down the supermarket. Anything to get me out of the flat.

Mostly, I want to exercise. Be back in the gym. Do something that makes me feel good. 

Mind you, COVID's knocked me about and filled my tubes with muck and is slowing me down a bit.

Hopefully, by the time I arrive in Darwin on Monday morning, the warmer weather will let me get out and move a bit more. 

I've missed it. 

Today's song: 

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