Monday, July 8, 2024

Sod this for a game of soldiers


Let's count my blessings. 

1. I've kept up with the COVID vaccinations every six-twelve months - recommended for people who travel a lot. 

2. It really did feel like a cold the other day. For COVID, it's a very mild dose. 

3. It still feels like a chest cold, although my sense of taste and smell has gone - like when you get a cold. 

4. I've got a job that I can do from home - though I've taken today off because I cough a lot when I talk - no point. 

5. I'm glad I didn't go to the office today and try and soldier on. 

6. I'm grateful for Jay who's dropped of bubble tea and bagels - not that I feel much like the latter. 

7. I'm glad it's not next weekend when I am going to be getting on a plane on Sunday night bound for Darwin. 

8. I feel virtuous that I masked up when I went to the supermarket yesterday.

9. I now have a decent reason to get Uber Eats - not that I'm hungry. 

10. And if I need groceries, I can have them delivered. 

11. Four years on from when this first started, COVID is no longer going to have you out for a fortnight. 

12. And the cat is happy I'm home. 

13. And some of my knitting projects are progressing. 

14. And that book that I'm not really enjoying might get read. 

15. And I can catch up on some telly. 

16. And I should be back at work tomorrow all going well. 

17. I'm not running a temperature, feel like I'm sucking on razor blades, aching all over or hacking up my lungs. 

Sod COVID. No idea where I picked it up. Public transport? The office? The gym? No idea. 

At least I feel like I've turned to corner. 

Today's song: 

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