Wednesday, August 7, 2024


 Getting ready is a part of the ritual. It always has been. 

After showering, cleansing, toning and moisturising, after the scrubbing of teeth, the decisions had to be made. What to wear. 

This is the thing with the modern Australian funeral. What do you wear? Do you go as you are? Or find a band t-shirt, some black jeans and a hoodie, or wear a suit - not that I own a suit. Do you go dark, or bright? There wasn't directive to turn up in colour. And the only band t-shirt that fits is the Ramones t-shirt sitting at the back of the drawer. My Nirvana one is too ratty to wear anywhere other than the gym. 

The dress was selected. Nothing too fancy, yet nothing too ordinary. Black with a simple pattern through it. Easy, warm enough, and comfortable. Nice enough, yet not too fancy. It's good to dress up a little for these occasions. It shows respect. 

Then a full face of makeup - nothing over-blown, but well applied. Simple, tasteful, understated. Waterproof mascara and eyeliner, because, you know, there might be tears. Muted lipstick, not my normal red. 

The simple and elegant route felt good, not that he'd mind. He wasn't one to stand on ceremony, but I think he'd like the small amount of effort that was made. Not that he was there to comment. Not that he'd make comment. He'd just be pleased that I turned up. 

My normal sleepers were swapped out for something different. The cherries. I don't wear dangly earrings very often, but they have a sense of whimsy about them. 

I put on boots. Elegant, comfortable knee-high leather boots - a change from the Docs and motorcycle boots. Respectable and responsible, instead of kick arse and casual. 

And then the perfume. Forgoing my normal selection, I went for the unopened box of Chanel #5, which has been sitting on my dresser for an age. There was a sense of satisfaction as I pulled off the cellophane of the pristine box. A spritz on the neck and the wrists and I was ready. As I placed the bottle back in the box back in the bottle, I felt grateful for having it there to use. It won't be used for special occasions.

Life is too short to not appreciate all you have. Things don't have to be saved for a rainy day, or for something special. 

I'll make sure I wear that perfume more often. I love the way it makes me feel. And I want to make memories when I'm wearing it for a friend who's not ashes in an urn at the front of a chapel. 

Today's song:

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