Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sunday Questions

Another Sunday, another trip to the airport. 

What is good is that I have the Sunday Questions to get me through the packing and cleaning and all the other things I have to do before I take off to the airport, it lets me get some stuff done and brings order to the day. Thankfully, I'm nearly packed. The cat is at my friends' place, living the life of Reilly. There is washing on the line. It's all good. 

Questions, as always, have been supplied by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. I am looking forward to ...

Getting my cat back. And sure, it's going to be in two weeks, and he's only been gone for a night (he's staying with friends while I'm away on business). but I miss the little critter. It's not the same sitting here typing without him walking all over the keyboard. 

(Job: Paid the council rates)

2. Least favorite words

Here's a few:

  • Awesome (I only use it ironically)
  • Super
  • Moist (only to be applied to fruit cakes)
  • Utilise (most over used word in modern business writing)
(Job: Follow up on a bit of masons' business.)

3. If I ruled the world...

I would ensure that men who abuse women were tried and punished and that this was taken far more seriously than it has been in this country. At present, at least a woman a week is killed by an intimate partner - and until now, men have got away with it. 

I'd also like to see that schmozzle that is Palestine sorted. There has been too much killing. 

Not that I have an answer to either of these awful questions. Mind you, it was refreshing to see the British standing up to the far-right wing in the thousands, telling them where to go. 

(Job - another masons's follow up)

4. Favorite websites and blogs

I think about the websites I visit more. There's our local newspaper, The Age, then The Guardian for more of an international slant and the New York Times. Not a day goes past when I don't visit the Bureau of Meteorology and I spend a lot of time on theatre and film websites, especially and

(Job: Replaced the battery in the smoke alarm)

5. Things I do for myself

Lots of things - read books, see films and theatre productions, go for walks, visit the gym, go out with friends, have semi-regular massages, keep up to date with my check ups, even go on holidays. These are all self-care items.

(Job: Cut my toenails.)

6. Weekly rituals

Does washing my sheets and towels once a week count?

I also try and visit Blarney and Barney for a cup of tea once a week. Been doing it for years. Was over there last night for a barbeque. The others there were a bit amazed that their cats let me pick them up and give them a cuddle. :)

(Job: Peel some eggs for an early dinner tonight.)

7. DIYs I want to try

I'm not really into DIY - though I'm handy putting together flat packs. I already do handicrafts too. 

(Job: Wash the bathroom floor)

8. On my shopping list

My grocery shopping won't be done until I get to Darwin tomorrow lunchtime. I've got a lot of things I need up there already, but almond milk, Sodaly soda cans (if you know, you know) some sushi for lunch (Woolies sushi in Darwin is very good), fruit, salad. Lots of perishables. 

(Job: Wash the toilet floor)

9. Places to see in your town

There's a lot to see in Melbourne. Here are a few things that I take visitors to:

  • The Eureka Tower - go up and see Melbourne from 88 floors up. 
  • The Laneways - a well cool way to spend an afternoon looking around and window shopping
  • The National Gallery Victoria is excellent
  • You have a Melbourne coffee
  • And maybe get your hipster on in Fitzroy or Brunswick
  • Or have lunch in St Kilda - taking the tram down there - of course
  • Or visit the Melbourne Cricket Ground and watch a game of Australian Rules Football in winter - or cricket in summer. 
(Job: Mop the kitchen floor)

10.Road trip must-haves

Good music. Lots of water. A decent map if you don't have access to the internet. Good company. Sunglasses. All of these were needed when I did a road trip with a colleague a few weeks back. 

(Job: Start the ironing)

11. Guilty pleasures

  • IKEA hotdogs
  • Romantic comedies
  • Married at First Sight - terrible television. I like Masterchef too, but that has a lot more of a quality factor.
  • White chocolate
  • Smelling dogs paws
(Job: Iron today's outfit for the plane. _

12. Things I'd rather be doing right now

I'd love to be in a beer garden with friends, or in a movie theatre. Not doing my ironing and packing for another business trip. 

(Job: Another masons' email (and yes, I do all the masons' paperwork in one hit.))

13. Books I'd like to read this year

I really want to get around to Paul Murray's The Bee Sting - I've heard very good things about it - and it was shortlisted for the Booker Prize last year. So many books, so little time.

(Job: Ironed the trousers)

14. Lessons learned

Too many, too often. Save 20% of your salary and invest it. It's amazing what can happen when you do. 

(Job: Iron the teatowels)

15. Vacations to take

Again, too many places, not enough money or time. Vietnam and Cambodia are an option sometime next year. Or Japan. Or France... I just want to look around somewhere else for a while that isn't Darwin. 

(Job: Iron the tops)

Extra question:   Olympic events I like to watch or follow

Umm, I'm not really into the Olympics, but I don't mind watching the gymnastics, the diving and the dressage. 

And the breakdancing has me scratching my head. The Australian breakdancer has been getting a lot of stick over here, and for good reason.

(Job: Get the washing off the line)

Today's song: 


  1. I love your answer to #5 - self-care is critical. But as you suggest, too many possibilities but not enough time and/or money..

  2. We agree on moist! I hate that word!!
