Sunday, August 4, 2024

Sunday Stealing: August

 Currently in Sydney after seeing a play last night, and off to an exhibition at the Sydney Art Gallery, before heading home. It's been a nice weekend, but I'll be quick with the questions as I have an hour and a half until check out and I want to make the most of this hotel room. 

Questions, as always, come from Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. How would your pet describe you

Lucifer would probably ask why does this person always pick me up and cuddle me and kiss me and make me feel uncomfortable. But she's reliable with food. 

 I saw something that said that cats are like 10% angels, 20 % demons, 10% fuck up factories and 50% David from Schitts Creek. My cat is very judgy. But I still love him. 

2.. Tell us a story...

There once was a girl who didn't like eating fruit unless it was cut up for her. Then she discovered the knife...

3.. What do you pack in your beach / hiking bag

As little as possible. Beach towel, sunscreen, book, bottle of water, sunglasses. That will do. 

4.. How do you like to spend great weather weekends

Outside is always good. Nice weather means either getting out in the country or sitting in a beer garden with friends. But it's winter here so sunny days where it's not too cold are rare. 

5.. Describe a time when the circumstances fell in your favor

Yesterday everything ran to plan - which was good. The plane was on time, no cancellations, the airport train was running through the loop in central Sydney - that rarely happens here on weekends, and there was a room waiting for me on check in. Small things, but they mean a lot to the enjoyment of the weekend away. 

6.. Which summer sounds do you enjoy

Summer (at the end of the year) is always about Australian Rock when it comes to music, and the ring of the bell birds by the river. 

If you want to summon summer for me, play me this song. It conjures all sorts of memories. 

7.. It’s not really summer until ...

It's about mid-January. December can be a bit hit or miss, but by mid-January, the heat and the long days are very much there to stay until about mid-March. And yes, I am in Australia where everything is upside down. 

8.. What music are you listening to these days

Whatever the phone decides to play. 

However, my road trip in the Northern Territory reacquainted me with Simon and Garfunkel. They don't write songs like that anymore. 

9.. How much has changed since last summer

Not much. Summer was only a few months ago. Melbourne didn't have an overly hot summer, thank goodness. 

10. What are your favorite things to wear in summer

What I call my Darwin wardrobe. Birkenstocks, light dresses, flowing cotton pants and tops. Clothes that keep you cool. As I'm in tropical Darwin once a month, I get to wear this year-round. I quite like it. 

11. What do you miss about winter

Nothing. We're in the middle of winter at the moment, because I'm in Australia and winter is my favourite season. 

12. How would you spend summer vacation as an adult

Umm, I am an adult. As I'm Australian I normally get two weeks off in Summer - and normally I relax - sometimes go interstate to see my parents. 

13. Describe your ideal get together/party

Something with some good friends - not too many of them, where there is good food and wine and music and conversation. I'm pretty easy to please. 

14. What makes you feel like part of your community

It may sound silly, but just having people who say hello to you in the street is great when you live in a big city - or when you have people who you run into for a quick chat. I've lived in my suburb for around 20 years - it's amazing who you run into. That and you know where to get all of the best things around you. Like knowing what Vietnamese restaurant to go 

15. How was your July 2024?

Busy. I was away for about half of it up in Darwin. I got to see Mataranka and Nitmiluk (Katherine Gorge) - two of Australia's natural wonders. I feel blessed.

Today's song: 



  1. Someone gave me Schitts Creek on DVD a couple of years ago. I STILL haven't watched it! I know it's good..

  2. I laughed out loud about the David on Schitts Creek. We watched all of the episodes and I loved them. My husband watched them with me but he thought the shows were an insult to our intelligence (or some such nonsense). He did laugh when he watched!! I would love to visit Australia some day so I love reading your posts each week!
