Friday, August 16, 2024

The Weekend

 I'm not sure I thought this through well enough. I'm in Darwin for the weekend. 

On the plus side of things: 

  • It's warm up here
  • I'm getting a lot of work done
  • I've managed to snaffle a desk for Monday, my work laptop is baggsing a desk in one of the offices (first in, best dressed)
  • I get to see a bit of Darwin city on the weekend during festival time
On the not so plus side: 
  • It's my birthday weekend and I'm alone up here (well sort of)
  • The place isn't quite the same without my mate who passed away a few weeks ago
  • I'm missing the cat
  • I'm missing a get together of the French trip girlies for one of us who's just made some big life choices - and I wish I could be there
I've made my choices and all will be well. The birthday is on Monday, I'm hoping for a low-key sort of day. I've got a ticket to see an old favourite film on Monday night at the Deckchair Cinema (I adore Being John Malkovich - great film). That the weather is warm is enough of a present for the day. 

I'm also not going anywhere this weekend. I could have taken a tour and gone somewhere, but I've decided to go the Darwin route, exploring the city. 

Tomorrow, I've promised myself at attempt at a Pokemon thing - catch 200 Pokemon in the day. This will get me onto the next level. I've been on the current one for well over a year, and as I'll be wandering around the city, I'll have plenty of chances to catch the buggers. 

Reindert and I are scheduled to have a chat tomorrow morning. 

I might go and get a pedicure. It's been an age since I've had one - and my feet are a bit crusty. 

I still have to read the book group book. Book group is on Tuesday. The book is Prima Facie by Suzie Millar. I've seen the play - and I will get the book read. 

I'll do some exercise - lots of swimming. Sunday morning I've booked an aqua aerobics class down at the local wave pool. It looks fun. I don't care if I'm surrounded by older people. 

There's the museum and art gallery, which are supposed to be very good, to have a look around. 

There's the Botanical Gardens. 

I've got a ticket to the other Darkfield event at the Darwin Festival. Another day, another shipping container. 

I might see what else is playing around town. 

And I might get a coffee with the other bloke who's about the place from the project - but we're both introverts who are peopled-out, so I don't feel the need to seek him out. I'm sure he feels the same. 

What's got me a little is that I didn't expect to want to be home this weekend. I wish I was meeting up with the girls in the bar in Brunswick. I rather wish I was going to the gym on Sunday morning then going out for breakfast. Or finding a feed of Spanish food on Saturday night. 

It's alright. I just underestimated the emotions around this. 

The strange occurrence that happened Sunday night hasn't repeated. On going to bed and turning out the light, it felt like somebody was sitting down next to me on the bed. I didn't freak out. I knew I was safe. yet the presence was real. I figure it was my mate coming to say hello, of sorts. I haven't 'felt' him around since. I'm wondering if my colleague who arrives Sunday will have a similar happening. 

There's enough to do, some challenges, and lots of things to discover. 

I'll be fine. 

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