Tuesday, August 13, 2024

You Play Pokemon?

Yes, I play Pokemon Go. I have played Pokemon Go for many years. It's one of my endearing features, like my slight lisp when I try and say photosynthesis or my disdain for not sharing dessert or my angry need to put tomato sauce on eggs. 

So, fancy my surprise when I walked into the test lab today to find one of our testers waiting for a raid. 

"You play Pokemon?" I asked. 

"You play Pokemon?" they responded. 

"It's something to do when I'm out walking. And it acts like a pedometer."

"That is does."

"Want to join a raid group?" they asked. 


"You'll like it, Colleague X has a geoblocker. We get access to all sorts of Pokemon we never see here in these raids."


"My challenge for this weekend is on Sunday, to collect 200 Pokemon and get past Level 40."

"Been there, done that."

"Obviously nothing better to do."

This was one of the highlights of today. 

Today was all about work. 

Today had me look at the wall of work ahead of me and ponder just how it will get done. I coordinated meetings. I got a couple of documents written. I had a couple of sour lollies which blew my head off. I had a lovely lunch with my lovely friend at a great cafe. And I went for a walk with my colleague, showing them the sights of the Darwin Waterfront, the Deckchair Cinema, and a bit of the Festival, while learning that my favourite ice cream shop will be open for another few weeks. It was going to close on 3 August, but they appear to have delayed the closing until after the Festival is over. 

My big win for today was working out what to do for the weekend. 

One day I'll take myself off to the Museum and Art Gallery, which although small, look pretty good. 

And there will be a visit to the Wave Pool at the waterfront, where I will go and get pummelled by the man made waves for a bit. Jay went a few weeks ago when she was up here and she said it was awesome. 

I wouldn't swim at the beaches here. There are crocodiles. 

And the other thing I want to do is catch 200 pokemon so I can finally get past Level 40. 

And maybe teach myself to ride a scooter. But that's a maybe. As I'm on my own up here, I can't humiliate myself by falling off in front of people I know. But that one's a maybe. 

Today's song: 

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