Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Decision Made

 Today marks the second year of me using the Duolingo app. Every day. For about 15 minutes. Every day. 

My French is still crap, but not as crap as it would be if I hadn't been using it. At the moment, we're looking at the irregular formations of the subjunctive form. What fun!

Over the weekend, I was with a couple of French speakers, so I got the French out again. It was wonderful. I like speaking another language. Okay, I love being able to speak another language fairly well. I love that I speak French with a gentle Australian accent (unlike my compatriot over the weekend, who speaks very good French with a strong Australian accent - which is cute - but my accent is better... )

So today, on the second anniversary of me starting my Duolingo journey, and reconnecting with a language that I love, I've made the decision that next September, I'm returning to France, and Paris. I want to go along to another Gunnas International retreat. I might not opt in for the activities in Paris, but I want to return to the South of France, to Sommieres.

A plan is forming in my head. A week in England. We'll find some things to do over there. Then over to Paris - get to see some of the things I didn't see last time - St Denis, Chartres, wander around la Rive Gauche, maybe go for another mason's meeting at the mothership...I'd like to go wandering galleries and visiting cathedrals and sit at cafes with a coffee wishing that I still smoked. I want to ride the Metro and walk along the Seine...

This need is at a cellular level.

After that, I think a little trip to Rome or Florence might be in order. I haven't been to Italy in 25 years. 

So, on this, the second anniversary of my using the Duolingo app, doing my daily French lessons (my old French teacher would be pleased with my progress. I always hated the subjunctive) I'm making a pact with myself to return to Europe. 

It means staying employed, and keeping up with the lessons, and scrimping and saving. 

But I need this for me. 

I want my heart to sing again. 

And if I book by New Year's Eve, I get to choose my own room at L'Hotel de l'Orange. 

I have a goal.


Let's do this. 

Today's song:

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