Saturday, September 21, 2024

Sunday Stealing on a Saturday

 Greetings from Darwin, where it is bloody hot outside. I'll be going for a walk in a bit when the sun is out of full strength and a bit gentler on the skin, and I don't have to sunscreen up. I've had enough full sun for the day. Yes, I'm up here for work again, and yes, it's a weekend, and yes, I seem to be spending my free time between walking or reading by the pool or being in the pool. Yes, I'm a large child. 

I'm getting a jump on this week's questions, supplied, as always, by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. What popular TV show do you refuse to watch?

Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon. I have seen the first series of Game of Thrones, but that is it. It appears to be overhyped and from the first series it was all too violent for me - the violence being the messed-up kind I don't like. I didn't watch at the time and won't be watching it in the future. 

2. What pets did you have while growing up?

Growing up we had two cats and two dogs. Before we moved to the country it was just two cats, but the menagerie grew as we did. Mum has always had cats, but she was never a dog person. We had guinea pigs for a while - smelly things that they are. We also had calves that we used to feed at one stage, not that they were pets. 

3. What is the luckiest thing that has happened to you?

I could look at my life and think that lots of lucky things have happened to me. Winning two airline tickets to anywhere in the world was one of them. Not getting caught in England when I was there without a visa another. Some would say staying employed is lucky. It's all a matter of how you look at things. 

4. What are some small things that make your day better?


  • My cat
  • Decent coffee
  • Exercise
  • Time with friend
  • Laughing

5. What’s your favorite piece of clothing you own/owned?

I have two duster coats that I love. One is in a mint green silk and I bought it up here in Darwin. It is glorious and gets a lot of comments when I wear it. The other is a grass green cotton duster coat, which I bought in Adelaide when I was there the other week. For some reason, I feel good in oversized cover ups. 

6. What’s the most annoying habit other people have?

Other than clicking and or picking at their fingernails and the over-use of lip balm (particularly in men - had an ex who was a compulsive lip balm applier - ew!) I'm not fond of people who are regularly rude to service staff. 

7. What game or movie universe would you most like to live in?


8. What’s the most impressive thing you know how to do?

I don't think I know how to do anything overly impressive. Here are a few things I've cultivated. 

  • I speak pretty good French for an Australia
  • I'm great at starting arguments from 10 kilometres away
  • I know the lyrics to a lot of Cold Chisel songs
  • I'm very good at fixing other people's writing. 

9. What was the best book or series you’ve read?

I'm a great fan of Louis de Bernieres and I loved his Daniel Pitt Trilogy (The Dust that Falls from Dreams, So Much Life Left Over and The Autumn of the Ace). It has tie in into Captain Corelli's Mandolin and Birds Without Wings.) They books are like being told a story by and old friend. Love these books. 

Robertson Davies Cornish Trilogy is fantastic too. 

10. What state or country do you never want to go back to?

In Australia there's no state I don't want to never go back to, but there are states I've got no desire to visit - Queensland and Western Australia. Both are big and dry and I've got no desire to go there at the moment - nothing against them. 

There's no country I'd not return to. Places that I'd rather not go back to include Naples in Italy (Strange vibe) and Trenton in New Jersey (Witnessed first-hand gang violence - no thanks). 

11. Where do you usually go when you have time off?


What is time off?

I've had a time where I've gone to Bali when I have time off, but I haven't been since before COVID. I should rectify that.

I also like being a tourist in my own city. Melbourne is great to look around. 

12. What amazing thing did you do that no one was around to see?

I can't think of anything. I made the perfect omelette once - like the once you get at Asian hotels at the omelette station.  

13. What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives?

Travel overseas. Travel alone. Travel to a country where you don't speak the language and the food is strange. Just travel. Get a passport. Do it now. 

14. What’s something you’ve been meaning to try but just haven’t gotten around to it?

Piano lessons and giving my flat a thorough clean. 

15. What is something most people consider a luxury but you don’t think you could live without?

My fridge always has a bottle of French champagne in there along with smoked salmon. Not much of it, but I love the stuff, even if it is expensive. It is one of my favourite foods. 

Oh, and live theatre. It fills my soul. 

Today's song:


  1. The only place in Australia I have visited was Western Australia in the spring of 2003. I loved it. It was so beautiful and there were so many interesting things to see!

  2. Oh, yes. LIVE THEATER. We went to Some Like It Hot this week - excellent!

  3. I would LOVE to visit Sydney Australia and attend an opera there. My aunt has been to australia once and New Zealand twice. Traveling is pricey but we did travel to Paris France for our 20th anniersary (same year i turned 50 and my husband was 44 and our daughters were 11 and 16) and we took our youngest to Rome and Florence Italy as a high school grad gift vs a huge outdoor backyard party like her sis wanted. I would love to travel more once my husband retires. Not every one can afford it though
