Wednesday, December 25, 2024

And so this is Christmas

 My parents are watching the Royal Variety Performance on the ABC, directly from Westminster Abbey. 

You can hear absolute delight in my voice, I'm sure. Sorry, this isn't really my sort of entertainment, but it's their house and their television, and I've talked them into watching a film on Netflix tonight. Netflix? They'd heard of this strange contraption, but they didn't think their telly could receive Netflix - the wrong antenna, they said as their television is too old. 

I've found the HDMI socket at the back of the old said television and attached a FireStick, which has subsequently attached to the Wifi and works. They now have Netflix for the next few days. Mum hopes that Netflix doesn't use too much of the NBN, which they are finally to after years of substandard ADSL out at Myponga (The township got the NBN, but if you're out in the Donga, you had a choice of expensive satellite services or the cheaper, but less reliable ADSL. Although reasonably computer literate, they never saw much use for the internet. Mind you. I've chewed through their two MBs of data while visiting on occasions. Telstra have told them that this is a common occurrence when family members come to say at boomer parents' places. 

But this is Christmas. 

It's a hot day. Sat around 35 here at Encounter Bay for most of the day. 

My stepdad was given not one, but two rain gauges. Exactly the same one even. Rain gauges. Go figure. It's a country thing. 

The parents only moved into this house a fortnight ago, but they've feeling settled. There are two large magpies which live in their gazebo. I've named them Statler and Waldorf, after the two old guys in The Muppets who throw shade on everybody. Thankfully, they're friendly magpies - though I'm still a bit skeptical of any magpie. Evil little shits they are. 

The only downer is my step-sister ended up in hospital today. An ongoing condition which needed treatment, and she's been stabilised and has been sent home. Regardless, not what you want. 

And Lucifer is not getting on with Mum's cat, Bart. Bart is an old boy who normally sleeps all day. Today, after running into Lucifer (who's been very good staying in my room, coming out occasionally for a leg stretch) he took it onto himself to guard the laundry. It's been very funny to watch, but we're keeping them separated. 

Bart is currently asleep on the Mum's bed, with the door's shut. Lucifer can come out for a bit and have a wander, now everybody has gone. 

Just another Christmas, really. 

And now they're listening to the King's Speech. Bless the ABC....

Today's song: 

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