Monday, April 15, 2013

The New Pad - Part Two

The iPad and Blogger don't get on that well. So I will continue with the last of the tour of my current digs.

So, you've seen the pool. I've taken you down the lane where the golf carts scoot around, you've seen the pool. I've also got a pavillion to myself wiht a telly and DVD player - great for the knock off DVDs available from every street corner. There's also a small kitchenette, some sun loungers and a shady hut - a place to lie and read.

Inside,there's a nice big air conditioned room, a big bed, another telly and DVD player, cupboards etc.

Oh, and a bathroom with a shower and a nice big bath in which you can lie comfortably and read a book.

Yeah, it is rather tough this holiday life I'm living at the moment.


  1. Ohhhhhhh...... will need to get specific details from you when you get back to the land of the living.

  2. Hi Pand,

    Lucky you. Glad you're having a relaxing time.



