Monday, April 15, 2013

The New Pad

As I'm currently relegated to my bedroom with what can be described as a very mild case of something tropical I'm going to take the opportunity to show you areound the joint. And before you get too concerned, this probably just a slight touch of too much heat and sun, but before you ask, yes, I'm hydrated, no, stuff is not pouring out of me - I'm just a little off colour and the cool of my air conditioned villa is the best place to be at this point in time. (and yes, I'm only drinking water from bottles, beer and the gin that came in with me duty free)

So, I left Ubud on Friday. It was sad to say goodbye to a place that I know I will returnto. I've put it out to the universe that the launch of my first book will be there - now I just have to write it.

So now I'm in Seminyak near the coast - and thankfully just around the corner from where I stayed last time I was here. This is a good thing as I know where a lot of things are - like the Grocer and Grind where they do Melbourne quality coffee.

Anyway, I am now at my little villa.

On arrival, they take your bags and put you on a golf cart to take you to your room.

The villas are down a long alleyway on both sides.

You're taken to this set of double wooden doors which open onto the villa. There is a not only a lock on the gate, but a bar that means that you can't be disturbed if you wish (prevents keyed entry - yay)

And so here I am, in my one  bedroom villa for the next four nights (I've been here two already) I've got all of this to myself!

There's the pool.


  1. That looks a very nice spot to recuperate (rapidly) in. And what elegant feet you have.

  2. I love those tall dark doors.
    Hope you're better very soon x
