Thursday, May 29, 2014

Blog-a-Day May: Day 29: Tonight's List

It is 20 past eight. I've already walked home from work and been to the gym. I've had an okay day at work, had my dinner and now it's time for jobs.

Before I go to bed tonight I want to:
  • Do a load of washing     X
  • Hang out said washing   X
  • Do the dishes    X
  • Dry and put away said dishes
  • Remake my bed so that I have a few days on clean sheets before Mrs Squeaky Puss turns up on Sunday (she sleeps in the bed with me)   X
  • Finish the ironing  X
  • Get the minutes and summons out for masons    x - nearly done
  • Start looking at my coursework for re certification of my Certificate IV in workplace training and assessment. 
  • Get things ready for tomorrow    X
  • Have a dig at the nearly dead wart on my toe    X
  • Consider cutting my toenails
  • Have a shower   X
  • Floss teeth   X
  • Bag up Jawbone Up ready for sending back to the manufacturer for replacement   X
  • Write Flora a birthday card
  • Write Glen Waverley a birthday card
  • Look at writing out a training schedule for pending run at the end of July
  • Metamucil  X
  • Moisturise   X
  • Read a bit of my book
  • Have a look at the movies that are one over the weekend
  • Cup of tea (hibiscus or rose)   X
  • Brush hair   X
I think that's enough. I'll pop in just before I go to bed and put X's next to the ones I get done.

It's now 9.10pm. I'm hanging out the washing.


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