Friday, May 30, 2014

Blog-a-Day May: Day 30: From the iPhone

I've been out revolting in the streets, so I'm too tired to blog properly, so I'm taking a few liberties and going to pull a couple of photos of my phone from the last week.

Here goes:

From the 32nd floor. The view from mt hotel room in Sydney. Watched the fireworks in Darling Harbour as a part of the Vivid Festival. Sat and watched the view for hours. A lovely chilled evening after a great day with friends.

My idea of heaven. Hu Tong Dumpling Bar  - xiao long bao and chilli wontons. I could eat these every day and be a very, very happy woman, the chilli wontons are to die for. Pre-theatre nosh with Emm.

Wedding photos, Angel Place, Sydney. Stumbled on this on the way back from said late lunch with friends.

Police presence at the Medicare Rally tonight. Jay, her friend Barb and I went along. Jay's a General Pracititioner in her early 50s. Barb is in her mid-seventies. The Police were just in front of us. We told them that we were pleased they were keeping us safe. They said that's what they were there for, to keep us safe from the rabble.

We then told them that we were part of the rabble.

What was disconcerting was that there were many of the officers with hand held video cameras scanning the crowd.

About 5000 people there. Very peaceful. I have a feeling I'll be revolting again in the near future.

More Angel Place. It's one of my favourite places in Sydney.

A retro shot of the big coat hanger and Circular Quay, Sydney. Though not overly fond of the place, it is photogenic.

I love my team. I love that my team does coffee every few days. We go to this great coffee shop, The League of Honest Coffee on Little Lonsdale Street where they serve the best coffee - in buckets.

Off to bed for me know. I'm whacked.


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photos. Love the first and third ones especially.
    Police videoing the crowd? That doesn't sound good.
