Sunday, November 23, 2014

Oh this should be fun:

As always, the questions come from Sunday Stealing.

I might have to do a proper blog post after this one...

1. Are you celebrating Thanksgiving at home or elsewhere this year? With whom will you spend Thanksgiving Day? 

Um, I'm Australian. We don't have thanksgiving.

 2. What do you have for breakfast on Thanksgiving? 

Though vaguely aware of the concept, I'm not sure when thanksgiving is - other than it's on a Thursday(?) at the end of November which seems really inconvenient. So I will have my normal protein shake because it's a Thursday and that's what I have on weekday mornings.

 3. Do you go to a Thanksgiving parade or watch one on TV? 

What, they have parades for Thanksgiving. On a Thursday. Seems a bit decadent.

 4. Do you serve appetizers, lunch, or snacks during the day? 

Why would you? It's just a normal Thursday.

 5. What do you wear on Thanksgiving? 

It's a normal work day, so work clothes. No need to dress up - it's just a normal working week day in Australia.

 6. What's your Thanksgiving table like -- do you use special plates/silver/glasses, etc? Do you have a centerpiece? A color scheme? Candles? 

Sorry, no idea what you're talking about. This sounds like the things we do for Christmas.

 7. Do you serve buffet-style or family-style? What do you have to drink? 

It's just another Thursday. I'll be going to the gym to see my trainer. That's what I do on Thursday evenings. No special meal.

 8. Once you're at the table, do you say grace or a toast or does everyone go around and say what they're thankful for? 

I'll just be thankful if I make it to the gym on time.

 9. Do you have dessert right after the main meal or later on? 

Sometimes I have a small tub (single serve) of ice cream after the gym. Because it's just a Thursday.

 10. What do you do with your leftovers?

I still think you're talking about Christmas.Sounds like Christmas. Food. Family arguments. Leftovers. Yep, Christmas. Like Halloween, Thanksgiving has no place in Australian society. However, unlike Halloween, Thanksgiving isn't a something that's slowly encroaching on society.

I think I'd prefer to have Thanksgiving encroach on our society instead. Halloween - to me, appears to be a pointless affair that leads to diabetes and excess rubbish.


  1. Hi Pand,

    Ditto with bells on!!

    I hate the fact that Hallowe'en is now becoming a big part of UK society too.

    Thankfully we don't care about Thanksgiving but the truth is probably that the card manufacturers etc. are working on a way to exploit us further.

    When I become President of the UK, the first thing I shall do is ban Hallowe'en and I will also exile anybody who suggests Thanksgiving.




  2. Sorry this is such a dud for you this week. ;-)

  3. LOL... Thanksgiving -- it's totally made to be SO MUCH more than it was. What's sad is that most Americans really don't know much about it either! LOL...
