Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Taking Stock Meme

My study year is nearly over, my second to last tutorial paper for the year is in draft form and I'm in a good spot at the moment as my new job is treating me well. Having a bit of time on my hands, I can do my Sunday meme in peace. Ther questions of this Taking Stock Meme come from Sunday Stealing, as always.

So, what am I doing - let's take stock:

Making: I'm nearly finished crocheting a cat blanket for Maow Maow. I can't be the only person who makes things for a favourite cat.

Cooking: This week is mini-hell week so I won't be cooking much. I am planning to make apricot jam in the next few weeks in preparation for Christmas. 

Drinking: Currently sipping on a coconut and pineapple water with a bit of ice. Nice.

Reading: I'm trying to decide on a book. I've just read Richard Flanagan's "The Narrow Road to the Deep North" twice (end on end) and I'm sort of mourning it's finishing. Have been recommended something called "The Folded Man", though the second Rosie Project book could be good.. I'm a bit litted out at the moment.

Wanting: Six hours consistent sleep every night. I'm not making that at the moment.

Looking: Forward to studying next year.

Wishing: That somebody would get off his arse and come out to Australia. Sick of the talk fest.

Wasting: I really have to get into the habit of using all of the vegetables in my crisper. I'm sick of throwing half of them out at the end of the week.

Enjoying: Writing again, proper writing again. Thinking of getting into that novel over summer.

Waiting: For the gumption to start losing weight again. it's not too far away.

Liking: Richard Flanagan's "The Narrow Road to the Deep North". The bed in the hotel I stayed in last night - Amazingly comfortable.

Wondering: How it is that that f*ckwit Abbott every got elected as Prime Minister of this nation. He's an absolute disgrace.

Loving: My new job. Great team, good location.

Listening: To Alt-J's first album.

Needing: More exercise. This will be remedied this week too.

Smelling: I put on Jo Malone's Red Roses fragrance this morning. So I smell like roses. Love that scent.

Wearing: My dressing gown. Going to bed soon.

Following: What happened at the G20 summit. And doing a lot of cringing because of it. England, please take back Tony Abbott. he appears not to have rescinded his British Citizenship, which voids him from being a Member of Parliament and Prime Minister. Anything to get the c*ckehead away from here. Can we swap you for David Cameron - he only seems mildly incompetent. And he appears to know that coal really isn't good for humanity.

Noticing: That the esteem in which Australia is held around the world is slipping by the day. mainly due to this effed up government.

Knowing: That once you know about Corporate Actions, you never really forget, unfortunately.

Thinking: Moving country might not be a bad idea if these idiots remain in power - where is a dismissal when you need it.

Feeling:  A bit sleepy

Bookmarking: I only bookmark boring industry sites at work.

Opening: Up to the possibility of becoming an author one day

Giggling: About nothing inparticular. That's normal.


  1. Hi Pand,

    Please take David Cameron. We don't want Tony Abbott in exchange though.




  2. happy sunday Princess. Things are not always what they seem online. Australia will always be one of the coolest of the cool.

  3. It's one government, three years. It will pass. The times are crappy currently. No govt would be impressive right now. So glad you're enjoying your writing. Maow Maow is a lucky cat.
