Sunday, August 23, 2015

The Birds are Chirping Meme

Lots on this weekend. The gym to go to, Friend to meet for brunch. Facial to enjoy (a birthday present to myself) . Writer's Festival session to enjoy and then review - and the copy is due around midnight.

So, let's get this out the way. Questions, as always, courtesy of Sunday Stealing.

Name a product you buy mostly because it has a cool package.

Jo Malone perfume. Not only does it smell great, but they go over the top on the packaging at the department store.

What flavor cake do you like for your birthday?  

A David Jones flourless lemon cake with cream cheese icing would be just perfect, thank you.

Have you ever been in love with someone much older or younger than you?  

No. I had a fling with somebody 20 years my senior many many years ago. It wasn't love.

Have you ever had a job you loved? 

Yes. And then after a few months I got rather disillusioned. I was just busy enough and the work was stimulating. That is the sort of job I love.

 Have you ever been in a building that was on fire?  


Are you in an argument with anyone right now?  


Would you change your hair color to something outrageous if you would get paid to?  

No. My hair takes on colour far to easily.

Have you ever written a poem for someone?  

I do this regularly. My muse likes it when I do.

What is a place you’ve vacationed at and would like to go back to?  

In no order, Spain, Italy. France, the UK, New York City, Boston, Ubud in Bali, Chiang Mai in Thailand, New Zealand.

Do you eat samples at the grocery store?  

Only if they appeal, which is about a quarter of the time.

What do you absolutely have to have to make your birthday feel special?

Having somebody say happy birthday is enough. I had a birthday this week. No presents, two cards and a bunch of flowers and a couple of meals bought for me - I'm doing okay for this birthday. Eleventy humph is nothing to celebrate anyway.

What’s the last tourist area you visited?  

I was at Federation Square at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI) about three hours ago.

Where do you go out to eat for a special occasion?  

Anywhere with good food. I'd still love to go to Vue de Monde one day.

When was the last time you went to a post office? 

About a month ago. I was out of stamps.

 Is there an item you are saving up to buy right now?  

Other than tuition? I think I'll be saving for another holiday soon - and I wouldn't mind saving for a new laptop and a smart television.

Are you psychic in any way?  

A little. I read tarot professionally - does that count?

Do you prefer a laptop or desktop? Which are you on now?  

Laptop. And I'm on a laptop now.

Have you ever received a gift and truly did not know what it was?  

I once received a sex toy as a present. I wasn't sure why I was given it (single and dateless at the time) nor what I was supposed to do with it.

What’s your homepage? 


Is there a thing you enjoy doing, but quit because you are not good at it?

Playing the flute and acting. Enjoy both. Crap at both.


  1. Hi Pand,

    Belated birthday greetings!

    I try to forget my birthdays now (being an old git).



