Sunday, August 16, 2015

The I Want You to Be Free From Me Meme

Another Sunday, another blog.Some rather banal questions from Sunday Stealing this week.

Having a lovely weekend doing some writing for the Melbourne Writer's Festival, finishing my course work and preparing for the week ahead. It's nice to have a quiet one. My hair has been cut and coloured and I've taken myself off to see "The Man from U.N.C.L.E" for the afternoon - so it's been a good weekend. (Henry Cavill is far too good looking for his own good, and strangely Armie Hammer is more than the walking talking cricket bat I thought he was)

Anywhere, here's this week's quiz.

Are your nails painted a dark or light color? 

Until yesterday my fingernails were a nice, light pinky brown colour (OPI Dulche de Leche) My toenails are a larey red as per usual.

Have you ever order pizza online?  

I never order pizza - so no.

What color was the last candle you lit? 

Green. I light lots of green candles to bring in money.

 Is there something written on your shirt right now?  


Is there a bookshelf in your room?  

Not in my bedroom, but I have three full ones in the living room.

Do you own a treadmill?  

No. That's what the gym is for.

Have you ever signed up for a gym membership?  

I'm very proud to say that I've had a gym membership for ten years and it's been used a couple of times a week all of the time I've had it.

Is there a garbage can in your room? What color is it?

No. That lives under the kitchen sink. It's grey.

Have you ever read in the bathtub?  

I do that at every opportunity I can find.

Have you ever had to wear a hairnet?  

Thankfully I've never had a job in food services.

Do you know how many pages the last book you read had?  

I'm reading Peter Carey's Amnesia at the moment. It had 375 pages.

What day of the week does the laundry usually get done?  

I have no set day for doing the laundry, but I'll normally do a load or two on the weekend

Do you use the Facebook chat often?  


Do you have any baby pictures of yourself on your computer?  

No. Most of my baby photos were destroyed in a fire when was five years old.

Do you eat onion rings?  


What flavor of tea did you last have?

T2 Caramel Brownie Tea. It's wonderful.

 Do you own a bathrobe?

I have a number of them in various weights and lengths.

Did you/will you have coffee or some other form of caffeine today?  

Just finishing my morning coffee now.

Do you have a mailbox or do you collect your mail from the post office? 

I've had a post office box for nearly 15 years - with identity theft rife and the fact that I live in an area where there is a lot of petty crime, I think I'll be keeping it.

What was the last animal you saw, and was it a pet?  

30 seconds ago. Maow Maow wants his dinner.

What was the last documentary you watched focusing on?

Highclere House, the manor house in which Downton Abbey is filmed.

 Is there anything you need to remember to do before the day ends?

Set the alarm, putting out my clothes for tomorrow, set up my coffee pot so I don't have to think about it in the morning.

 Is your car messy, or do you like to keep it clean?  

It's pretty clean inside and out. I like to keep it so people can get into it and I'm not too embarrassed. Normally there's only a couple of sheets of paper to shift.,

Are you the type to wake up before the sun has even risen?

I'm normally up at sunrise. Not before and normally not too much after.

 Do you get uncomfortable when people stare at you?

Yes. I don't care if they stare but it can make me uncomfortable.

 Have you ever been admitted to the hospital for a long period of time?

The longest I've been in hospital was about a week when I was a kid and they were fixing my legs. Other than the odd day surgery in adulthood, that's been it, thank goodness.


  1. Surprising how many people don't eat onion rings. One of my favoritest things.

  2. They're hard to find in Australia, Bev.

  3. good for you on the gym membership! i love onion rings. go figure.

    have a great day!

  4. Unfortunately, my gym membership turned out to be a waste of money. :-(

  5. Cute name for a kitty. Good on you for using your gym membership and for so long. The green candle thing sounds interesting and possibly even prosperous. hmmm? Enjoy the week!
