Sunday, April 3, 2016

The Survery 2123 Meme

It's Sunday. I've worked out that I've spent nearly $600 on Tupperware in the last two months (Bad Panda) I think I'll be cooking from home for the next two years to pay for the stuff - mind you, the Tupperware microwave pressure cooker cooks things up a treat.

Anyway, while I'm writing my tute paper for this week while considering these carefully considered questions courtesy of Sunday Stealing.

Is your birth year an odd or even number?


Which one of your friends is the most outgoing?

I have a friend in book group who's a classic extrovert - she's up there. Jonella's partner, Stav is up there too.

Have you eaten any of your favorite foods today?

I had my regular "Eggs on Fire" for breakfast after the gym today. It's scrambled eggs with chilli, spring onions on Turkish Toast. yum. I have not had any ice cream, thank goodness.

When did you last find yourself in an awkward situation?

The other day. I had to make a small comment about a personal hygiene issue at work. Awkward but dealt with using a lot of tact.

When was the last time you ignored, or went against, someone’s advice?

I rarely listen to other people's advice. I'm known for it.

What happened?

Nobody's told me "Told you so."

How many different towns/cities have you lived in?

Hmmm, here we go, Adelaide, Myponga, London, Melbourne and Mykonos for a few months. I've lived in various locations in Adelaide, London and Melbourne.

When was the last time you had Nutella?

A couple of months ago I had a Nutella donut. I can't have Nutella very often - too much of it and I get a migraine.

Who is your favorite character in“The Big Bang Theory”?

I don't watch Big Bang very often, but I rather like Leonard and Amy Farrah Fowler.

What are your parents’ middle names?

Mum doesn't have a middle name - she was named after her uncle who died in World War I. Dad's middle name was Geoffrey.

Name someone with a sexy sounding voice.

Kenneth Branagh. I loved Alan Rickman and Philip Seymour Hoffmann's voices too - what a pity they're no longer around. Most English actors have great voices. Makes up for their bad teeth.

Are your eyes the same color as your sibling’s?

No. My sister's eyes are a lighter green than mine.

How many pets do you have? Would you like any more?

I don't have any pets - but I do borrow friend's cats when they go away. I have Ms White Thing staying with me at the moment. I would love a cat of my own.

Is there a song you can’t stop listening to atm?: 

I've been doing an eighties challenge in the last week. I need to post this one soon.

Is there a song that you’re fed up of hearing?: 

I'm over hearing this at the gym.

Did you have a strange or interesting dream last night?

No, but I did a few nights ago. Horror movie stuff. A woman sitting on a bed with a young boy - the room was full of smoke.

Name 3 things that are in your refrigerator atm.

Milk, Mexican Pulled Chicken. Carrots.

Which friend do you confide in most?

Probably Jonella or Blarney. Depends on what it's about.

What was your most recent reason for smiling?

I heard this song.

And this song:

And this song:

Music makes me smile.


  1. Love this meme and love the songs you included!

  2. I do not like Justin Bieber. I can see how you are over hearing that song.

  3. Nutella makes my ear hurt. I thought I was crazy thinking that, but maybe not!

  4. Ok then, try Nutella, see what happens. :-)
    Loved that you shared all the cool songs, and thank you!
    We both have carrots in the fridge. You have Mexican pulled chicken, we have pulled pork.
