Sunday, March 26, 2017

The Kathy Ann Questions

It appears Kathy Ann is Sunday Stealing's wife. I've just come back from a Short Story Bootcamp hosted by Maxine Beneba Clarke. Awesome and thought provoking weekend.

This will be a quick one - I want to get short story writings seeing that I've just got the lunches ready for the week and watched Married at First Sight (Susan, Susan, Susan....)

1. What is the meaning of your blog’s name?

Denial is a big river in Egypt... and I am its princess.

2. Why did you start your blogging?

I wanted to chart my path to a marathon. I've run five half marathons, but the big one is fifty pounds of weight loss and a year of training away (and I'd rather train for the Camino now)

3. What’s your usual bedtime?

Somewhere around 11 pm. Rarely earlier, sometimes later.

4. Are you lazy?

At times, but generally now.

5. Do you miss anyone right now?

I'm pretty good at the moment.

6. How would you describe your fashion sense?

Melbourne black with a few quirks. Lots of stripes and a bit of Adelaide navy for good measure.

7. What are your nicknames?

Panda. Dory. "Leave the cat alone."

8. Are you a patient person?

To a fault for the most part - then I snap and walk away.

9. Are you tight-fisted or frivolous?

A bit of both. I wouldn't say I'm frivolous, but I do consider what I'm spending my money on.

10. What magazines do you read?

NY Times magazine. Sometimes overland, Sometimes Marie Claire. I do most of my reading online.

11. Are you stubborn?


12. When is your birthday?

In August. Winter baby.

13. What book are you currently reading?

Maxine Beneba Clarke's "Foreign Soil".

14. What phone do you have?

iPhone 6.

15. Do you have any pets?

No, but I borrow cats when their owners go away. I seem to have a cat in my flat about half the time.

16. Do you have siblings?

One sister, one step-sister.

17. Any children or grandchildren?

No. Not that silly.

18. What do you order at Starbucks?

Nothing. The coffee is crap. I live in Melbourne where you only go to Starbucks if there is a gun put to your head. At normally coffee shops I have a large skinny cappuccino.

19. What did you do for your last birthday?

Went and saw Matilda with some friends and ate a lot of meals out.

20. What’s your occupation?

Currently I'm a technical writer / process analyst / project dog's body.

21. Do you live in the country or the city?

Inner city, though I come from the country.


  1. Is that Camino de Santiago you're talking about?

  2. You just reminded me that I also have a step-sister. I've spent like four whole hours with her since her mother married my father 8 years ago so I tend to forget her.

  3. That is a cute play on words for your title.
    I'm a dead of winter baby too. Born three hours after the winter solstice.
