Sunday, April 2, 2017

The Cannon Fodder Questions Meme

I should be studying.  At least it's a short list today.

Questions, as always, from Sunday Stealing.

1. Is there someone you'd like to be kissing right now?

Yes, but I'm not going to tell you who that is.

2. When you're being extremely quiet, what does it mean?

I'm either tired or thinking. Both states are a bit dangerous.

3. What are you listening to right now?

The cat talking to me and the morning news.

4. Are you a big fan of thunderstorms?

Love them - a long as they aren't right over me and lightning isn't striking within 100 metres.

5. Do you believe in perfect?


6. Are you a jealous person?

No. Pointless emotion.

7. What was the first thing you thought this morning?

Where is that duvet - the cat had stolen the covers.

8. What do you think about when you are falling asleep?

Can I go to sleep now? Side or tummy.

9. Are you satisfied with what you have in life?

Yes. I am very lucky.

10. Do people ever think that you're either older or younger than you actually are?

People tend to think I'm about ten years younger than I look. Thank goodness.

11. Do you think men truly understand women?

Of course not.

12. How about women understanding men?

Do you really want to?

13. Did anybody ever call you handsome or beautiful?

Yes, but it was a long time ago. I'm lovely on the inside.

14. What is one fact about the last person that called you?

She's my mother.

15. Other than your current one, tell us about the longest relationship you have had either a romance or a particular good friend.

I'm still great friends with a couple of university friends. We don't see each other often, but it's like old times when we do meet up. It's great.


  1. #10, we both said the same. And yes, thank goodness. but at 74 it's galloping to catch up!
    Have a happy week!

  2. Ha, ha! LOVE your answer to #12.

  3. I'm glad your mom called you. I'm almost the age my mother was when she passed away - I consider myself "still young." Never take life for granted.
