Sunday, September 3, 2017

The Back to School Blog

Running late again.
Questions thanks to Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1.  What kind of school did you attend (Big? Small? Public? Private? Specialty? One-room schoolhouse?)

I went to a very, very ordinary public high school in the outer suburbs/ country South Australia for high school. It was public country primary school as well.

2. What did you wear to school (uniform? dress code? Whatever you wanted?)

There was no uniform at primary school. At high school we wore school colours - which were deep blue, yellow and white. It could have been far worse.

3.  How did you get to school?

A school bus picked us up for both primary and high school at the front gate.

4.  Who was your favorite teacher?  Why?

My French teacher was awesome. She became a friend.

5.  What was your favorite subject?  Why?

I really liked French and English. I liked being creative and communicating.

6.  What was your least favorite subject?  Why?

Physics in Year 11. taught by a Yeti - it was awful. Never like Phys Ed either.

7.  Did you belong to any clubs?


8.  Were you a picky reader?

No. I read everything. Still do.

9.  What did you do in your free time?

Hid in the library.

10.  Did you get good grades?

Other than in physics, yep.

11.  Did you like/participate in sports?

No. But I love exercise now.

12.  Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend in high school?

I had a boyfriend in Year Eleven. He was the year ahead of me. It ended soon after he left school.

13.  When did you get your driver’s license?

At the end of Year Eleven. I was 16.

14.  What kind of kid were you?  (Popular? Class clown? Shy?  A nerd?  Teacher’s pet?)

I was the quintessential weird nerd. Very unpopular.

15.  Who were your heroes?

Talking Heads and Gough Whitlam

16.  Were you ever bullied?

Thankfully, only very mildly. That I let if wash over me seemed to put the bullies off and they left me alone for the most part.

17.  Did you learn how to touch type?

Not at school. I learned that a few years later. A very handy skill, but I was in the academic stream  - and computers were only just coming in when I was at high school.

18.  Who was your best friend?  (Are you still friends today?)

I didn't have a best friend. When I think about it, I really didn't have that many friends at school. It was very lonely. However, I am in touch with a few of the old class mates now. Things have come full circle.

19.  What is one thing you regret about high school?

I wish I got my head around the fact I could do P.E. and enjoy it. And not taking Economics.

20.  What were you most proud about?

I got out of high school alive.

Bonus question:  Did I like High School?

For the most part I hated it - but I loved the learning. That was the thing that kept me sane during my teenage years.


  1. Our high school experiences were very similar, for which I'm grateful (if not happy). It would have rough to read response after response about how glorious your years were, when my time was so painful.

  2. My kids were big Talking Heads fans too

  3. I read everything, too. Too much, really. But there is no better place to take my head than into a book.
