Sunday, September 10, 2017

Let's Pretend

The great thing about delayed flights is you can get some study and work done.

So here I am waiting an extra hour for a flight and getting this out of the way before doing my tute paper for the week.

Questions from the excellent Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1. What is your middle name?

Jane. I wish it was something a bit more exotic or elegant like Eleanor or Elizabeth.

2. What is your favorite color?

Pillarbox red. Quite partial to teal too.

3. What’s your lucky number?

64.  Beatles fan here.

4. Do you have any pets?

No, but I loan them off people when they go on holidays.

5. Where are you from?

Adelaide, Australia.

6. How tall are you?

5'6" in the old language - 167 cms in the new.

7. What shoe size are you?

9 (seven in England) I was an eight and a half, but it's gone up a bit over the last five years. I'm told that is a common story. Most of my friends of the same age have said the same.

8. How many pairs of shoes do you own?

Far too many. Around 30.

9. What was your last dream about?

I honestly can't remember the last time I had a dream at night.

10. What talents do you have?

I can recite Jabberwocky when very, very drunk. That is my party trick.

11. Are you psychic in any way?

Yes. I read tarot to a professional standard - it's sort of a requirement.

12. Favorite song?

Australian Crawl's Reckless.

13. Favorite movie?

Just one. Today it is The Princess Bride. Love that film.

14. Are you religious?

No. Spiritual, yes. Interested in religions, yes, but I am not religous. I'm a Freemason - far better for my purposes.

15. Have you ever been to the hospital?

Yes, I was even in hospital last month overnight - thankfully nothing serious.

16. Have you ever been in trouble with the law?


17. Have you ever met any celebrities?

I bummed a cigarette off Jeremy Clarkson 20 years ago.

17. What color socks are you wearing?

White and grey. Goes with my running shoes.

18. Have you ever been famous?

No. Occasionally imfamous.

20. Would you like to be a big celebrity?

Absolutely, positively not! I value my privacy.

21. What type of music do you like?

Rock - and adult alternative. Like The Pixies.

22. How many pillows do you sleep with?

Two. One to sleep on, one to cuddle.

23. What position do you usually sleep in?

I'm a side/tummy sleeper. With at least one leg out from under the covers.

24. How big is your house?

I rent a two bedroom flat.

25. What do you typically have for breakfast?

Cereal or a protein shake.

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