Sunday, September 24, 2017

Today is a Fashion Show

A lovely quiet weekend at home, with a night out at the Pop Up Globe Theatre in the parklands ( for a bit of Shakespeare. My hair has been re-browned, I've had a good relax and all is right with the world.

Questions, as always, from Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1. A way to win your heart

Feed me ice cream.

2. Something you feel strongly about

That we should not be having this stupid plebishite to decide about marriage equality over here. it's in humane and stupid (as it is non-binding - arsehole politicians)

3. A book you love

Captain Corelli's Mandolin by Louis de Bernieres.

4. Five pet peeves

Rude people, parents who will not contain their badly disruptive children, people who sniff when they should just blow their nose and get on with it, people who smoke in the street in front of me (ex-smoker here) and people who put near empty cartons of milk back in the fridge.

5. What you ate today

Eggs for breakfast and I had a Chinese takeaway for dinner.

6. How important do you think education is?

Probably the most important thing in the world.

7. Five people you find attractive

Clive Owen, Josh Charles, Daniel Craig, Craig McLachlan (Dr Blake), Steve Carell

8. What you wore today

Blue jeans and a black top

9. Something you always think “what if” about

Ah, that would be telling. I wonder what would have happened if the dice rolled in different ways on some occasions.

10. Something you’re proud of

I am currently doing my last Masters subject - and I'm sitting on about at 3.8 GPA (Lots of High Distinctions)

11. Something you lust after

Cuddles in all shapes and sizes.

12. A word/phrase that makes you laugh

Moist. Moist is a weird word.

13. A quote you try to live by

Be the change you want to see.

14. Something you like and dislike about yourself.

Dislike that I'm still overweight, pretty much like the rest of me.

15. A problem that you have had 

I have no patience for idiots. This weekend has been a big one for that.

1 comment:

  1. I too have a Steve Carrell crush.
    Can't believe you've nearly completed your Masters. Go you!
