Sunday, October 29, 2017

The Monster Mash Meme

I am supposed to be writing my papers instead of doing this meme. We are getting there.

Also remember, I am Australian, we don't, as a rule, do Halloween - as it is a daft American custom

Anyway, the question have been supplied by Bev at Sunday Stealing.

Ghost: what would you like on your tombstone?

Nevertheless, she persisted.

Dracula: are you afraid of aging? or death?

Aging. This getting old thing is not for sissies. Everybody has to die, why be scared of it?

Nosferatu: what, as a child, did you imagine went bump in the night?

There were all sorts of things that went bump in the night when I was a kid. Monsters of all kinds were there.

Godzilla: what do you do when you are angry? are you ever destructive?

I seethe for a bit when angry, then let it simper away. I tend to go for a walk or a drive and let it blow out. I don't stay angry for long.

The Blob: do you collect anything? if so, what & why?

I collect ornamental elephants. I like elephants. But they have to be little. I have a shelf full o them

Zombie: when was the last time you trusted your gut? was it successful?

I always trust my gut - it is yet to do me wrong, even if it sets me on some interesting paths.

Mothra: what is something dangerous that attracts or fascinates you?

Motorbikes. Would never own one, can't drive them, but I love them.

King Kong: what are some questionable choices you've made lately?

Deciding to re-write Shakespeare for my last assignment.

Alien: what is your strangest feature?

I have web toes on my right foot and my pinkies stick up on both hands.

Cthulhu: do you like the ocean? why or why not?

Love it. I just love being near water - and in water.

Nessie: have you ever felt invisible to people -- the feeling of not existing?

All the time. I've been working on that one.

Mutant spider: what is one of your biggest fears?

Intimacy and commitment. Next.

Werewolf: if you could change into any nonhuman animal and back at will, what animal would you change into and why?

I would love to be a well loved house cat. I think that would be awesome.

Golem: if you could make up an imaginary friend, what would they be like and why?

I would have a punk rocker called Albert who would get me into all sorts of mischief.

Leprechaun: what is your "pot of gold" (or white whale, if you'd rather)

To write that bloody novel...

Sharktopus: what is something you've done that was ridiculous or a bad decision?

Ummm... some class A drugs in the nineties. I don't regret it, but yeah, I don't need to do ecstasy again. A handful of times 20 years ago is enough.

Robot: what is a habit you do without thinking?

I have a few of them - making the bed each morning, check the door each night, not leave the house without eyeliner and mascara. Brush my teeth twice a day. Nothing too bad at all.


  1. Rewriting Shakespeare? That is quite the task. Good luck.

  2. If I were younger, I might have started an elephant collection of some sort, but I'm too old for more stuff around here, so I just collect elephant photos on Pinterest
