Sunday, November 5, 2017

The First Things First Meme

Just home from a weekend away, which was wonderful. Highlights were seeing my Punjabi kid brother and seeing Thor:Ragnarok with him (very good fun) Then going to see the Robert Mapplethorpe retrospective with a friend. It was a wonderful weekend.

So, it is late now and I have a big day ahead. Questions, as always, from Bev at Sunday Stealing.

{1} First thing you would do/buy if you won the lottery:

A flat, preferably in a good  suburb near the city.

{2} First person you call when you get amazing news:

Normally my mum or Blarney.

{3} First thing you do when you've had a bad day:

Go for a walk, or go to they gym. That fixes most things. I get ice cream or have a G&T at a push.

{4} First movie you went to without your parents:

It might have been the Police Academy movie on my first date. Oh hell that dates me.

{5} First sport you played (Little League-style or in school):

Never really played sport. I had my legs in plaster in and out of primary school.

{6} First major injury:

Thankfully never really had one, but my sister clobbered me with a five iron when I was eleven. 5 stitches in my eyebrow.

{7} First product I use in the shower:

Clinique facial soap. Always.

{8} First apartment or house on your own (away from you parents!):

The flat in East Melbourne. Before that I was always with flatmates (and before that too many flatmates to mention)

{9} First Roommate(s): 

First flat mate after college was an absolute psycho. Don't want to think about it. I was warned.

{10} First Time Living Away from Home: 

University college when I was 17.

{11} First magazine subscription:

Dolly magazine. Used to love Dolly. The Australian teenage girl's bible for many years.

{12} First real piece of jewelry you owned:

I bought myself a Pandora bracelet when I was in my late 30s. I don't have any other real jewellery.

{13} First time staying home alone:

I was in my mid teens. That's all.

{14} First thing I reach for in the fridge:

Normally, milk for my coffee. Or my chilled Turkish Apple Tea which is in an old gin bottle in the fridge. Great stuff.

{15} First car accident or traffic violation:

I got my first red light camera ticket about ten years ago. It's the only one I've had to date. And thankfully the only bingle I had which was my fault was about five years ago, when somebody stopped suddenly in front of me - no damage to them, but their tow ball took out my radiator.

Bonus:  Toilet paper, over or under?

Over. Only philistines to do it the under way.