Sunday, November 12, 2017

The Simple Life Meme

Let's see if I can get this done before my ride to a performance of Shakespeare's Henry V comes along. I have about half an hour. I have just finished my penultimate tute paper for my Masters too - so I am feeling good. that I've also washed the floors in the kitchen and bathroom - even better.

Questions, as always from Bev at Sunday Stealing.

What are five things you would like to do more.

Read, swim, cook for others, Yin Yoga, travel.

What is your quote to live by.

"Be the change you want to see."  Ghandi

What was the best thing that happened this week?

I handed in my final major paper for my Masters degree. Anybody interested, it can be found at

What is something you are stressed about?

What I will be doing for a job after the end of January.

What book has influenced your life?

Dr Spencer Johnson's "Who Moved My Cheese?" Seriously, it turned my life around.

Share a childhood memory

I used to like swimming in the watertank on the hill. That was cool.

What fictional character would you most like to be?

I'd still love to go to Hogwarts and I think I'd be a pretty reasonable Hermione Granger.

What is something you are proud of?

Finishing my Masters.

What was the last thing you celebrated?

I did celebrate my birthday in a small way in August. I will be doing some more celebrating in the coming months when I graduate in March. Finally get to wear a cap and gown.

What are weird things you like?

The smell of dogs' paws in the morning. Is that strange enough? And I LOVE Shakespeare.

What is your favorite song to sing?


Name three things you do well.

Write. Massage. Laugh.

What are your priorities in life?

To be happy. To keep healthy. To have fun. To stay financially solvent.

What is something that scares you?

Right wing governments. Huntsman spiders.

Best book you read this year?

Probably Hanya Yahanigara's A Little Life. It was a slog, but gee it was fantastic. Zadie Smith's Swing Time was also really good.

1 comment:

  1. I've heard dog paws smell like torilla chips. Do they? (I've never sniffed)
