Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Identity Ask Meme

Sunday after the Australian Football League grand final - and I'm a little bit dusty. Had an awesome time cheering on a team which wasn't mine and I forgot how much I like drinking beer - but I do need to remind myself that I am no long in my twenties.

Regardless, today's meme, as always, comes from Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1: Favorite style of clothing?

Me? and what I wear? Casual with bit of a biker chick feel to it. Lots of black, biker boots, with a smattering of red for good measure. I also like bright colours - but not prints.

2: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?

Nope. Well, rarely. I'm not in a relationship so it doesn't happen. I do get check in mails from my friend who I go wing man for now asn then.

3: Have I ever kissed the last person I texted?

No, that would by my gym buddy. She gets a peck on the cheek for her birthday. I'm not discussing the person I texted before her. Yeah, well.

4: When did I last hold hands?

About six weeks ago at a Masonic ritual. Oh, you mean romantically - can't remember.

5: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?

About an hour. I can do it in less time, but I need to ease into the day.

6: Have I shaved my legs in the past three days?

No, but I am overdue a leg wax. This is a job for my week off.

7: Where am I right now?

At home, Melbourne, Australia, at my desk.

8: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?

Ah, yes. Do I tell him everything. I tell him most things.

9: How often do I wear a fake smile?

Probably once a week. It has to be done. It normally happens at the gym when Cleo ask's me to do something I don't want to do. I plaster on a smile and get on with it.

10: When was the last time I hugged someone?

I hugged lots of people yesterday. I'd had a lot of beer to drink and it was Grand Final day. It's what you do when it's Grand Final day and you've drunk a lot of beer.

11: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?

There was one person, but he's no longer in my life. I'm pretty careful about who I trust completely. (Which is only a few people.)

12: What is something I disliked about today?

I have a small hangover and I woke at 2 am and didn't get back to sleep til five. Tired with a hangover. Great. It doesn't happen very often.

13: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?

Alive? Hmm. I'd love to sit down and talk to Malala Yousefai. She's incredible.

14: What do I think about most?

In not strict order, food, sex, keeping active, keeping employed, travel, books, cinema, writing.

15: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?

I love being behind the camera. I am an iPhone instagram photographer - and I love it. My Instagram handle is PandoraBehr.

16: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?

I'm not much of a phone talker, and both have their uses. I use Video chatting for friends overseas more.

17: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?

Yes. I've had a few too many ghost experiences not to believe - and the universe is huge - I think it's selfish to to reason that there are other life forms out there. Will we meet them, who knows?

18: Do I believe in magic?

Of sorts. I'm a witch - it goes with the territory.

19: Do I believe in luck?

Only that you make your own luck.

20: What's the weather like right now?

It's a pleasantly sunny Spring afternoon here in Melbourne. It's about 16 degrees Celsius (About 60 in the old measure)

21: What was the last book I've read?

The Travelling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa.

22: Do I like the smell of gasoline?

Not particularly. I get head spins from it.

23: What was the worst injury I've ever had?

Bruce the Bum Bruise. I fell over, speared my left butt cheek on a fence post at ground level. Had a lump the size of a large orange in my bum. Took 18 months to resolve completely.

24: Do I spend money or save it?

I'm a spender, but I am getting better at saving it.

25: Can I touch my nose with my tongue?

Not quite.

Today's Song:


  1. I like to ease my way into the day too. I am so slow getting ready of a morning and that is why. I loved your answers! Have a nice day!

  2. Not enough people know about Malala Yousefai's story. She is incredible!

  3. I also have to have time to get the day started. I love dressing the biker chick look, that is how I dress when Gator *My husband* and I go out. His bike he custom built. be safe from a fellow "biker chick" of course some of the states in the US are not biker friendly. enjoyed your answers
